
Merilo pri nalogah iz arhitekturnega oblikovanja v 2. vzgojno izobraževalnem obdobju OŠ : magistrsko delo
ID Jakimovska-Rodić, Svetlana (Author), ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5136 This link opens in a new window

Razvijanje učenčevega razumevanja prostora je temeljna naloga predmeta likovna umetnost v osnovni šoli. V okviru prostorsko-arhitekturnega oblikovanja učenci razvijajo svoj odnos in občutenje likovnega prostora. Risbe in makete so osnovne predstavitvene tehnike v arhitekturi in v prostorskem oblikovanju. Merilo nam omogoča razumevanje razmerja med maketo objekta, ki predstavlja objekt v pomanjšani velikosti in realnim objektom v svoji pravi, realni velikosti. Veščina risanja v določenem merilu in prehajanje iz enega v drugo merilo je eno najbolj pomembnih vidikov načrtovanja in oblikovanja arhitekturnih prostorov. Z merilom prevajamo prostorske kvalitete iz svojih idej in zamisli v prostorske tvorbe v realnem prostoru. Merilo nam pokaže kako dojemamo naše prostorske predstave v realnosti; je idealna korelacija med abstraktnim in realnim. Najboljši način za razumevanje in razvijanje občutka za merila je skozi fizično izkušnjo prostora, z fizičnim doživljanjem prostora z vsemi čuti lastnega telesa. Magistrsko delo v teoretičnem delu opisuje opredelitve ustvarjalnosti, pogoje za razvoj in proces ustvarjalnosti. Opredelitve prostora in prostorskih zaznav smo predstavili skozi prizmo Geštalt teorije, ki opredeljuje zaznavanje prostora s stališča psihologije umetnosti. Izkušenjsko učenje omogoča učenje iz stvari in dogodkov, v katerih smo aktivni udeleženci. Skozi izkušenjsko učenje imajo učenci možnost preizkusiti arhitekturni prostor v realnem merilu, da se navadijo »gledati«, »videti«, da ozavestijo izkušnjo uporabe prostora, ki je primerno opremljen. Zanimalo nas je, kako razumejo prenos iz risbe v tridimenzionalno maketo v merilu in naprej prehod iz dela v merilu v delo v pravi velikosti. Kritično vrednotenje na osnovi izkušenj nujno predpostavlja tudi to, da učenci preizkusijo lastno ustvarjalnost pri praktično oblikovalni nalogi. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli akcijsko raziskavo v štirih korakih. V prvem koraku smo izdelali maketo v ustreznem merilu, v drugem koraku smo raziskovali prostor skozi gibanje, v tretjem koraku smo izdelali arhitekturni prostor in opremo v merilu 1:1 in v četrtem koraku izvedli in analizirali anketna vprašalnika. V zaključnem delu smo povezali ugotovitve izvedenih dejavnosti akcijskega načrta s teoretskim delom. Zanimalo nas je kakšni so učinki posodabljanja na nivoju izbire učnih oblik, metod in medijev, za obogatitev doživljajskega sveta učenca, za razvoj specifičnih spretnosti in za večjo samostojnost in samozavest učenca pri reševanju likovnih nalog iz prostorsko - arhitekturnega področja. Posodobitev likovne pedagoške prakse v drugem vzgojno izobraževalnem obdobju omogoča izboljšanje učnega procesa v njegovem nadaljevanju.

Keywords:likovna naloga, arhitekturno oblikovanje, prostorsko oblikovanje, maketa, risba, merilo, izkušenjsko učenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[S. Jakimovska Rodić]
Number of pages:87 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102059 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12045385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Criteria for architectural design projects in the second triad of primary schools
The essential aim of Art in elementary school is developing of students' understanding of space. Within the frame of architectural design students develop their attitude towards the artistic space and their perception of it. Drawings and models are the basic techniques of the representation of space in architecture and in spatial design. A scale enables us to understand the proportion of the model of an object which represents the object in a reduced size and the real object in its real size. The skill of drawing in a certain scale and switching from one scale to another is one of the most important aspects in planning and designing architectural spaces. With a scale we tranfser spatial characteristics from our ideas and imagination into spatial formations in real space. A scale demonstrates how we perceive our spatial representation in reality. It is an ideal correlation between the abstract and the real. The best way to understand and develop our sense of measures is through the physical experience of space through all the senses of our bodies. The theoretical part of this master paper describes the definitions of creativity, the conditions for the development of creativity and the creative process itself. The definitions of space and spatial perception were presented through the prism of the Gestalt theory which defines the perception of space from the point of view of the psychology of art. Learning through experience enables learning from things and events which we actively participate in. With experiential learning students are given the possibility of testing the architectural space in a real scale, in order to get used to 'looking' and 'seeing', and to become aware of the experience of the utility of space that is suitably furnished. We were interested in how the students understand the transfer from a drawing into a tridimensional model in a certain scale and further on the transformation from the work in a scale into the work in a real scale. Critical evaluation based on real experience must also presume that students test their own creativity in the practical design task. In the empirical part we carried out an action research in four steps. In the first step we made a model in a suitable scale, in the second step we explored the space through movement, in the third step we produced the architectural space and furnishings in a scale of 1:1 and in the fourth step we conducted two surveys and analysed their results. In the final part we combined the findings of the performed activities of the action plan with the theoretical part. We were interested in the effects of updating the level of selection of the learning forms, methods and media on the enrichment of students' sensibility, on the development of specific skills and a greater independence and confidence of a student in solving art tasks from the spatial – architectural field. Modernizing of the pedagogical practical work in teaching Art in the second period of the primary education provides the possibility of improvement of the learning process in its continuation.

Keywords:fine arts, primary education, likovna umetnost, osnovnošolski pouk

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