
Planinski športni dnevi z medpredmetnim povezovanjem v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju na Tolminskem : magistrsko delo
ID Vidič, Tajda (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5127 This link opens in a new window

Medpredmetno povezovanje je celostni učni pristop, s katerim želimo na otroku prijazen in naraven način doseči trajno znanje. Vključuje povezovanje znanj, vsebin in učnih spretnosti s predhodnim znanjem, z znanjem, pridobljenim pri drugih predmetih in z aktualnimi dogajanji. Otrok poleg znanja z medpredmetnim povezovanjem pridobiva tudi veščine razvijanja novih modelov, struktur in sistemov. Uporaba medpredmetnega povezovanja pri planinskih športnih dneh ni tako pogosta, čeprav je en izmed ciljev, ki naj bi jih učitelj s planinskimi športnimi dnevi dosegal tudi ta, da se ne omejimo le na cilje športa s področja pohodništva, izletništva in gorništva, temveč skušamo vključiti tudi cilje z drugih predmetnih področji, ki smiselno dopolnjujejo tiste s področja športa. Namen magistrskega dela je zato predstaviti uporabo medpredmetnega povezovanja pri pouku in planinskih športnih dnevih v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. V prvem delu raziskave smo ugotovili, kako pogosto učitelji razrednega pouka, ki poučujejo v prvem triletju, načrtujejo in izvajajo medpredmetno povezovanje pri pouku in planinskih športnih dnevih ter kakšen pomen mu pripisujejo. V drugem delu raziskave smo dali učiteljem, ki poučujejo na osnovnih šolah Tolmin, Kobarid in Most na Soči, v pregled pripravljene primere planinskih športnih dni z medpredmetnim povezovanjem za prvo vzgojno-izobraževalno obdobje na Tolminskem. Njihovo mnenje o medpredmetnem povezovanju in pripravljenih predlogih smo preverili z anketnim vprašalnikom. V teoretičnemu delu smo predstavili pomen planinskih športnih dni za učence v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju, cilje, ki jih želimo na planinskih športnih dnevih doseči in celoten potek planinskega športnega dneva. Zajeli smo pripravo na planinski športni dan, potek le tega, vlogo učitelja na planinskem športnem dnevu in pomen ustrezne opreme ter prehrane. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili in opredelili medpredmetno povezovanje, predstavili razloge za uporabo in način načrtovanja medpredmetnih povezav ter uporabnost medpredmetnih povezav pri planinskih športnih dnevih. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili kvantitativno raziskavo. Pri tem smo uporabili kavzalno-neeksperimentalno in deskriptivno statistično metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja. Podatke smo pridobili z anketnim vprašalnikom za učitelje razrednega pouka, ki poučujejo v prvem triletju. Raziskava je v veliki meri potrdila pričakovane rezultate. Večina sodelujočih učiteljev meni, da so med formalnim izobraževanjem pridobili dovolj znanja o medpredmetnem povezovanju in se le redko udeležujejo dodatnih izobraževanj o medpredmetnem povezovanju. Največ sodelujočih učiteljev medpredmetne povezave uporablja tedensko in jih izvaja spontano ali s predhodnim načrtovanjem z upoštevanjem ciljev in vsebin krajšega obdobja. Rezultati so pokazali, da se večina učiteljev strinja s pomembnostjo načrtovanja in izvajanja medpredmetnih povezav ter jim pripisuje pozitivne učinke. Večina učiteljev medpredmetne povezave pri planinskih športnih dnevih vključuje v vsebinsko pripravo izleta, vendar jih načrtuje in izvaja le občasno, največkrat vsebine planinskih športnih dni učitelji povezujejo s spoznavanjem okolja. Ugotovili smo tudi, da imajo učitelji razrednega pouka, ki poučujejo v prvem triletju na Tolminskem, pozitivno mnenje o pripravljenih primerih planinskih športnih dni z medpredmetnim povezovanjem. Rezultati so razkrili stopnjo poznavanja in uporabe medpredmetnega povezovanja pri učiteljih razrednega pouka na Tolminskem ter prikazali njihovo mnenje o uporabnosti tovrstnih povezav pri planinskih športnih dnevih. Koristijo lahko kot smernice za boljše načrtovanje in izvajanje medpredmetnega povezovanja pri pouku in planinskih športnih dnevih.

Keywords:razredni učitelj, prvo triletje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Vidič]
Number of pages:64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102050 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12041801 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Mountain excursions with cross-curriculum integration in the first educational period of the elementary schools in the Tolmin region
Cross-curricular integration is a teaching method, which strives for a comprehensive and lasting knowledge in a child-friendly and natural way, where the child acquires not only knowledge but also the skills of developing new models, structures and systems. It is a holistic didactic approach that includes integration of know-how, contents and skills with the knowledge acquired in other subjects, meaning with previously acquired know-how and topical events. The application of cross-curricular integration with mountain excursions is not very frequent although one of the goals of mountain excursions is for teachers not to be restricted only to the sports-related goals of hiking, touring and mountain climbing but to also include goals from other subject fields that logically complement those from the field of sports. The purpose of the Master’s thesis is therefore to present the application of cross-curricular integration in class and on mountain excursions in the first education period of elementary school. In the first part of the research, we have examined how frequently the teachers of the first three grades of elementary school plan and implement cross-curricular integration in class and on mountain excursions and how important they deem it. In the second part of the research, we submitted the teachers of the first educational period of elementary schools Tolmin, Kobarid and Most na Soči proposals for including cross-curricular integration into the programme of mountain excursions in the Tolmin area in western Slovenia, and conducted a survey among teachers to check their opinion. In the theoretical part, we presented the importance of mountain excursions for 1-3 graders, the goals we wish to achieve on mountain excursions and the entire course of a mountain excursion, including the preparations for a mountain excursion, its implementation, the role of the teacher on mountain excursions and the importance of proper equipment and food. We also presented and defined cross-curricular integration, presented the reasons for the use of cross-curricular references and ways to plan them, and the usefulness of cross-curricular references on mountain excursion. In the empirical part of the Master’s thesis, we presented the quantitative research. The causal-nonexperimental and descriptive statistical methods of pedagogical research were applied. Data was acquired from a poll among teachers teaching in the first educational period of elementary school. The research has to a large extent confirmed our expectations. Most of the participating teachers believe they have acquired enough know-how about cross-curriculum integration during their formal education and they only occasionally attend additional workshops on cross-curriculum integration. Most of the teachers surveyed use cross-curriculum integration on a weekly basis and apply its principles spontaneously or according to their plans in line with the goals and contents of a shorter period. Results have shown that most teachers agree that planning and applying cross-curriculum integration is important and has positive effects. Most teachers include cross-curriculum integration in their programme for mountain excursions, but they include it in their plans and realisation only occasionally. Most frequently, teachers make cross-references between mountain excursions and nature study. We have also found that teachers of lower grades teaching in the first educational period of elementary schools in Tolminsko have a positive opinion of the prepared examples of mountain excursions with cross-curricula integration. The results have revealed the level of teachers’ acquaintance and usage of cross-curriculum integration in the first educational period of elementary schools in Tolminsko and shown their opinion on the usefulness of such references on mountain excursions. The results could be used as guidelines for better planning and applying cross-curriculum integration in classes and on mountain excursions.

Keywords:sport, primary education, šport, osnovnošolski pouk

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