
Sodelovanje Osnovne šole Puconci z lokalnimi društvi : magistrsko delo
ID Jakovljević, Jasmina (Author), ID Kerec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Šola je ustanova, ki izobražuje in vzgaja učence za nadaljnje življenje in delo. S svojim obstojem v določenem okolju, ne glede na čas in ostale dejavnike, živi in diha v sožitju z lokalno skupnostjo, torej z vsemi organizacijami, društvi, podjetji in posamezniki v lokalnem okolju. Različni avtorji (npr. Gregorčič Mrvar, Kalin, Mažgon, Muršak in Šteh, 2016) so že ugotovili, da je sodelovanje med šolo in skupnostjo na nek način vsekakor potekalo že v preteklosti, a k temu dodajajo, da imamo to sodelovanje za preveč samoumevno in pozabljamo na njegovo razumevanje in vrednost. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo opredelili pojem sodelovanje z lokalno skupnostjo oziroma lokalnimi društvi. Predstavili smo elemente v sodelovanju z lokalnimi društvi, smernice ter cilje za načrtovanje sodelovanja. Prikazali smo predloge za dejavnosti različnih avtorjev in predstavili prednosti ter ovire sodelovanja. Raziskali in predstavili smo zakonsko podlago o društvih. Raziskali in opisali smo začetke šolanja v vasi Puconci, zgodovino Osnovne šole Puconci in njeno delovanje danes. Raziskali in predstavili smo lokalno okolje Osnovne šole Puconci, in sicer Občino Puconci, zgodovinsko ozadje območja Občine Puconci in kulturno dediščino v Občini Puconci. Sestavili smo seznam delujočih lokalnih društev v Občini Puconci in jih na kratko opisali. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo analizirali dokumentacijo, in sicer Letni delovni načrt 2017/2018 Osnovne šola Puconci in Učni načrt za čebelarske krožke, pri čemer smo raziskovali in ugotavljali prisotnost sodelovanja z lokalnimi društvi. Izvedli smo intervjuja z ravnateljem Osnovne šole Puconci in z mentorico čebelarskega krožka na Osnovni šoli Puconci. Z analizo intervjujev smo raziskovali sodelovanje Osnovne šole Puconci z lokalnimi društvi danes in nekoč, ugotavljali potek načrtovanja in izvedbe. Pripravili smo učno pripravo za dve šolski uri v 3. razredu, ki vključuje sodelovanje z lokalnimi društvi. V sodelovanju z učenci 3. razreda Osnovne šole Puconci, njihovo mentorico in predstavniki lokalnih društev (Lovska družina Brezovci, Turistično društvo Vrtnica Beznovci, Upokojensko društvo Puconci, Namiznoteniški klub Kema Puconci, Nogometni klub Kema Puconci, Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo Strukovci) smo izvedli dve šolski uri po načrtovani učni pripravi. Pripravili smo 3 vzorčne celoletne načrte za sodelovanje z lokalnimi društvi, in sicer za 1., 2. in 3. razred. Predstavili smo izsledke in ugotovitve, ki smo jih pridobili tekom raziskovanja.

Keywords:Osnovna šola Puconci, lokalna društva, sodelovanje šole z lokalnim okoljem, Občina Puconci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[J. Jakovljević]
Number of pages:78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102031 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12024905 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Cooperation of Primary school Puconci with local societies
School is an institution that educates and prepares children for future life and work. Located in a particular environment, irrespective of time and other factors, it lives and breathes in harmony with the local community that is with all organizations, clubs, societies, companies and individuals in the local environment. Different authors (e.g. Gregorčič Mrvar, Kalin, Mažgon, Muršak and Šteh, 2016) have figured out that cooperation between schools and communities took place in the past already, but they agree that now we take this mutual support too much for granted and forget its basic value. In the theoretical part of the Master Thesis we define the notion of cooperation with the local community or the local societies. We introduce elements of cooperation with the local societies, guidelines and objectives for the planning of collaboration. We present proposals for activities from different authors and present advantages and disadvantages of working together. We investigate and introduce the legal basis of the societies. We also explore and describe the beginnings of schooling in the village of Puconci, the history of the Elementary school Puconci and its present functioning. We research and present the local environment of the Elementary school Puconci, the Municipality of Puconci, the historical background of the area of the Municipality of Puconci and cultural heritage in the Municipality of Puconci. We make a list of active local societies and clubs in the Municipality of Puconci and briefly describe them. In the empirical part of the Master Thesis, we analyze the documentation, i.e. Annual Work Plan 2017/2018 and Curriculum for Beekeeping Club, whereby we explore and investigate the presence of cooperation with the local societies. We carried out interviews with the school managers of Primary school Puconci and with the teacher of Beekeeping Club in the Elementary school Puconci. On the basis of the results of the interviews, we investigate the teamwork of Primary school Puconci and the local societies now and in the past. We also look into the course of planning and implementation. We prepared a lesson plan for two lessons in the 3rd class, which includes cooperation with the local societies. In cooperation with the students of 3rd class of Primary school Puconci, their teacher and representatives of local societies (The Hunting Club Brezovci, Tourist Society Vrtnica Beznovci, Pensioners Club Puconci, Table tennis Club Kema Puconci, Football Club Kema Puconci, Volunteer Fire Department Strukovci), we carried out two school lessons according to the lesson plan. We provide 3 sample year-round plans for cooperation with local societies for classes 1, 2 and 3. We introduce the findings and the conclusions that we have gained during the research.

Keywords:primary school, cooperation, local community, osnovna šola, sodelovanje, lokalna skupnost

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