
Gensko spremenjeno mleko
ID Stegnar, Manca (Author), ID Sušnik Bajec, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mleko je polnovredno živilo živalskega izvora, pridobljeno iz mlečne žleze sesalcev. Mleko oz. njegova sestava pa je postala tudi tarča genskega inženiringa. Predvsem s transgenezo želijo raziskovalci vplivati na spremenjeno sestavo mleka in s tem pridobivati najrazličnejše snovi (beljakovine, maščobe, vitamini, minerali,…) in učinkovine (farmacevtski proteini), s katerimi bi izboljšali kakovost mleka, njegove tehnološke lastnosti, ter vplivali na zdravstveni status ljudi in živali (oskrba s hranili, preprečevanje bolezni,…). Število prebivalstva se vedno bolj povečuje, spreminja pa se tudi njihova struktura, zato prihaja do vedno večjih potreb po inovativnejšem načinu pridobivanja kakovostne in polnovredne hrane, ter nove, izboljšane tehnike pridobivanja zdravilnih in farmacevtskih učinkovin. Danes edina prisotna rekombinantna produkta na trgu, pridobljena iz mleka, sta humani antitrombin III (ATryn® ), ter C1 inhibitor (Ruconest®). Namen diplomskega dela je pregled literaturnih virov na področju gensko spremenjenega mleka, od pregleda različnih metod genskega prenosa, do uporabe končnega produkta. Cilj mojega dela je ugotoviti, kakšne so možnosti in načini pridobivanja gensko spremenjenega mleka danes in v prihodnje, ter njihove ovire in omejitve.

Keywords:mleko, biotehnologija, genski inženiring, gensko spremenjena hrana
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101991 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4108424 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Genetically engineered milk
Milk is a wholesome food of animal origin, derived from the mammalian mammary gland. It became a target of genetic engineering to improve its composition and to extract a variety of substances (proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals) and active ingredients (pharmaceutical proteins), to improve milk quality, technological efficiency and influence the health status of people and animals (nutrition supply, disease prevention,…). The number of human population and its structure are rapidly increasing and changing, and there is an increasing need for more innovative ways of obtaining high-quality food, as well as new, improved techniques for the production of medicinal and pharmaceutical ingredients. Today, the only present recombinant products on the market derived from milk is human antithrombin III (ATryn® ), and C1 inhibitor (Ruconest®). The purpose of my study is to rewiev the literature in the field of genetic engineering of milk. The goal of my study is to find out what are the options and ways to obtain genetically modified milk, and review their barriers.

Keywords:milk, biotechnology, genetic engineering, genetically engineered food

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