
Samopodoba in rezultati športnovzgojnega kartona pri dijakih : magistrsko delo
ID Šenica, Špela (Author), ID Tušak, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kajtna, Tanja (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, ali obstaja medsebojna povezanost med samopodobo in rezultati športnovzgojnega kartona pri adolescentih na ljubljanskih gimnazijah, ali obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v samopodobi deklet in fantov ter njihovih rezultatih športnovzgojnega kartona in katera merska naloga športnovzgojnega kartona je najtesneje povezana s samopodobo. Za razvoj samopodobe je adolescenca ključno obdobje zaradi številnih razvojnih sprememb. Je najprimarnejše področje za oblikovanje posameznikove splošne podobe o sebi in ima edinstveno vlogo, ker je telo s svojim videzom, lastnostmi in sposobnostmi pomemben posrednik med posameznikom in okoljem. Razumevanje samopodobe adolescentov in njene povezave s športnovzgojnim kartonom je bilo v Sloveniji do zdaj nekoliko zapostavljeno in premalo raziskano. Raziskava je potekala med dijaki štirih ljubljanskih gimnazij. Med sto dijakov smo razdelili vprašalnike tennesseejske lestvice samopodobe, ki zajema različne vidike samopodobe. Rezultate vprašalnikov smo nato primerjali z rezultati športnovzgojnega kartona. Z raziskavo nismo mogli ovreči naših hipotez, da ni povezave med samopodobo in športnovzgojnim kartonom ne glede na spol. Povezave, ki se pojavijo so šibke in jih težko posplošimo na celotno populacijo. Raziskave so pokazale, da sta telesna samopodoba in telesna dejavnost med seboj povezani. Ugotovili smo, da ni razlik v samopodobi deklet in fantov, kar je v navzkrižju z drugimi raziskavami. Vseeno pa smo ugotovili, da so razlike med dekleti in fanti v primerjavi z rezultati športnega kartona, saj so bili naši rezultati v povprečju višji od rezultatov športnovzgojnega kartona za slovensko populacijo. Ugotovili smo še, da samopodoba dijakov in dijakinj ne vpliva na rezultate športnovzgojnega kartona, kajti večina vplivov ni statistično značilnih. Največ se jih je pokazalo pri skoku v daljino z mesta, dviganju trupa in predklonu ter spremenljivki samopodobe − telesnemu jazu.

Keywords:samopodoba, dijaki, adolescenca, športnovzgojni karton, tennesseejska lestvica samopodobe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101951 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5358257 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Self-concept and the results of sports educational charts among secondary school students
The thesis focuses on establishing if there is a correlation between the self-concept and the results of sports educational charts among the adolescents in secondary schools in Ljubljana; if there are statistically important differences in the self-concept between boys and girls and in the results of their sports educational charts; and which test from the sports educational chart is most strongly connected to the self-concept test. Due to numerous developments, adolescence is a crucial period for the development of self-concept. It represents the most primary field for an individual’s formation of their general self-concept, and it has a unique position, as the body with its looks, features and abilities is an important intermediary between the individual and the environment. In Slovenia, up till now, the understanding of the adolescents’ self-concept and its connection to the sports educational chart was somewhat neglected and insufficiently analysed. The survey involved 100 questionnaires of the Tennessee self-concept scale (TSCS) which were given to students from four secondary schools in Ljubljana. TSCS includes various aspects of self-concept. The results of these questionnaires were then compared to the results of the sports educational charts. The analysis has confirmed all hypotheses which assumed there was no connection between self-concept and the sports education charts despite the gender. Any connection that occurred was weak and could be hardly generalised to the entire population. The research suggests that physical self-concept and physical activity have an important connection. The results showed that there were no differences in the self-concept between girls and boys, which is in conflict with the results of other studies. The measurement tasks results were weakly connected with the self-concept variables – body weight, skin fold of the upper arm, polygon backwards, standing broad jump, sit-ups, stand and reach, and 60-metre sprint. One of the most frequent variables that is connected with the measurement tasks results of sports education charts was physical ego.

Keywords:self-concept, secondary school students, adolescence, sports educational chart, Tennessee self-concept scale

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