
Ergonomsko oblikovanje pisarniškega delovnega okolja : magistrsko delo
ID Jordan, Tanja (Author), ID Dovjak, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina (Comentor), ID Plemelj Mohorič, Alenka (Comentor)

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Raziskave navajajo, da človek v razvitem svetu danes presedi povprečno 8,9 do 10 ur dnevno, kar vključuje sedenje v delovnem in bivalnem okolju ter med transportom. Čas sedenja na delovnem mestu je odvisen tako od narave dela, zasnove delovnega mesta in stopnje ozaveščenosti zaposlenih o problematiki nezadostne telesne aktivnosti. Veliko težavo pri tem predstavljajo pisarniški delavci, ki samo na delovnem mestu presedijo med 7 in 8 ur dnevno. Zaradi dela s slikovnim zaslonom so podvrženi tudi sindromom računalniškega vida. Ker je sedenje oziroma neaktivnost velik dejavnik tveganja za nastanek različnih bolezni kostno-mišičnega sistema, je upoštevanje ergonomije, ki v ospredje pred delovnim okoljem postavi človeka, zelo pomembno. Ergonomija je interdisciplinarna veda, ki skuša z načrtovanjem delovnega okolja izboljšati človekovo zdravje oziroma dobro počutje. V magistrskem delu sta obravnavani konkretni pisarniški delovni mesti in izvedene merske analize delovnega okolja. Na podlagi rezultatov izvedenih analiz OWAS, CORLETT in subjektivne ocene trajanja sedenja sledijo predlogi za izboljšave delovnih mest. Predlagana je metoda načrtovanja pisarniškega delovnega okolja, ki vključuje obravnavanje posameznega delovnega okolja s pregledom izvedenih študij, zakonskih zahtev in priporočil, oceno dejanskega stanja delovnega mesta z ustreznimi metodami ter upoštevanjem ergonomije pri izdelavi idejne zasnove delovnega okolja. Predstavljena je idejna zasnova preureditve obravnavanih delovnih mest, ki upošteva vse ugotovitve, ki so bile pridobljene interdisciplinarno preko celotnega magistrskega dela. Z vsemi predlaganimi spremembami vplivamo na zmanjšane sindromov računalniškega vida in ostalih obremenitev na delovnem mestu ter s tem na izboljšanje počutja in zdravja pisarniških delavcev.

Keywords:Ergonomija, antropometrija, pisarniško okolje, sindrom računalniškega vida, OWAS, CORLETT, načrtovanje, interdisciplinaren pristop
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[T. Jordan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101940 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8501345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Ergonomic office workspace design : master thesis
Research suggests that a person in the developed world today sits on average from 8.9 to 10 hours a day, including seating at work, at home and during transport. The duration of sitting at work depends on the nature of the work, the design of the workspace and the awareness of employees about the problem of insufficient physical activity. Office workers are in the worst situation as they sit between seven and eight hours solely in the office. Due to their work with the visual display they are also more susceptible to the development of computer vision syndrome. Since sitting or inactivity is a major risk factor for the development of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is important to take into account ergonomics, which gives priority to people instead of working environment. Ergonomics is an interdisciplinary science dedicated to improving people’s health and well-being by designing the working environment. The present master's thesis deals with two specific office workspaces and an analysis of the working environment. Based on the results of OWAS and CORLETT analyses as well as subjective assessment of the duration of sitting the proposals for workplace improvements are given. The method of planning an office working environment is proposed, which includes the assessment of individual working environment by reviewing the performed studies, legal requirements and recommendations, assessing the actual situation of the workspace with appropriate methods and taking into account ergonomics in the elaboration of the conceptual design of the workspace. The conceptual design of the reorganization of the assessed workspaces is presented, taking into account all the findings that were obtained in an interdisciplinary manner during the study. The effect of all the proposed changes is the reduced chance of developing computer vision syndrome and other workload syndromes at work, and thus improve the well-being and health of office workers.

Keywords:Ergonomics, anthropometry, office environment, Computer vision syndrome, OWAS, CORLETT, design, interdisciplinary approach

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