
Razvoj sončnega simulatorja z uporabo tehnologije svetlečih diod
ID STROJIN, BLAŽ (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujočem delu smo načrtali in izdelali sončni simulator na podlagi svetlečih diod (LED) z osvetlitveno površino 30 cm x 30 cm. Na začetku predstavimo uporabo takega sistema za namen karakterizacije sončnih celic in panelov, predstavimo standarde na tem področju in nekaj primerov komercialnih rešitev, nato pa se osredotočimo na gradnjo lastnega sistema. Kot izhodišče za izdelavo je bila uporabljena zaključna naloga Žige Rojca, ki kot rezultat podaja teoretično optimalne položaje in relativne svetilnosti svetlečih diod za optimalno porazdelitev svetlobe na merilni površini. Z optimizacijskimi postopki je bila dosežena nehomogenost osvetljenega polja 0,9 % [3]. Cilj zasnove sistema je doseganje stopnje nehomogenosti pod 2 %. Če se želimo približati zahtevam po visoki stopnji homogenosti, moramo individualno krmiliti vsako izmed LED in kompenzirati vsak kanal. Zaradi želje po preprostem in relativno poceni sistemu ne zagotavljamo točnega spektra svetlobe, kar pa nas ne moti, saj se da zahtevo po točnosti spektra obiti. Končni rezultat je delujoč sončni simulator, ki je primeren za konstantno osvetlitev s prostorsko nehomogenostjo 1,9 %. Izmerjena nehomogenost je zaradi značilnega sevalnega diagrama LED in njihove bližine zelo odvisna tudi od kotne odvisnosti referenčnega senzorja, s katerim se meri. Svetlobni žarki namreč niso vzporedni.

Keywords:Sončni simulator, svetleča diode, sončna celica, nehomogenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a solar simulator using LED technology
The thesis addresses design and development of a solar simulator with LEDs and illuminated area of 30 cm x 30 cm. In the beginning of the thesis we explain the need for the system for characterisation of solar cells and panels, introduce standardisation in this field and few examples of commercial solutions. Then we focus on the development of our system. The thesis from Žiga Rojec [3] which defines theoretically optimal positions and relative power outputs of LEDs, was used as the starting point. With use of various optimisation tools non-uniformity of 0,9 % was reached. Our goal for the whole system is to reach non-uniformity below 2 %. Since we want to achieve this high non-uniformity goal, we have to drive and compensate each LED channel individually. For our system to be as cheap and simple as it is possible we don't achieve correct light spectrum, as need for that can be avoided. All the LED channels are driven by the use of microcontroller. Final result is a working solar simulator, with spatial non-uniformity of 1,9 % which is capable of constant illumination. Measured non-uniformity is strongly dependent on radiation pattern of an LED as well as on the reference sensor used. Light rays are not parallel to each other.

Keywords:Solar simulator, LED, solar cell, non-uniformity

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