A large number of women over thirty experience overload, which is resulting in increased weight, fatigue, confusion and some diseases. In attempts to lose weight many diets are not effective. Dr. Sara Gottfried attributed the cause of above-described problems in women to imbalanced hormones which are involved in metabolism. The fast pace of life and the inappropriate diet can lead to destruction of their balance. According to Gottfried the hormone balance can be re-established by elimination of certain categories of foods that affect the 6 main hormonal groups. A diet proposes elimination of certain food category in three-days cycles. Thus, within 18 days the diet excludes in the three-day stages red meat and alcohol, sugar, fruit and nightshades, caffeine, cereals, milk and dairy products. The basal diet consists of 60% of high quality fat, 25% of protein, and 50 grams of net carbs and 500 grams of vegetables per day. After the nineteenth day period the integration of earlier excluded foods began and women observe how their body reacts to re-enter. »The reset diet« promisses excellent results but it has not yet been tested in a clinical study. In the master thesis we critically evaluated »Gottfried method« in the perspective of scientific literature. We concluded that »the Gottfried method« is a complex diet that can affect certain physiological systems and well-beeing. In order to confirm these findings extensive clinical studies with control group should be carried out according to the proposed methodology.