
Toplotna in kemijska obstojnost SOL-GEL premaza s cirkonskim polnilom
ID Žbontar, Maša (Author), ID Medved, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cerc Korošec, Romana (Comentor)

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V okviru magistrskega dela smo raziskovali področje toplotnih in kemičnih lastnosti premazov na vodni osnovi z dodano sol-gel komponento. Premazi z dodano sol-gel komponento imajo izboljšane reološke lastnosti, s tem pa se izboljšata tudi nanašanje in oprijem premaza na površini peščenih form ali jeder. Sloj premaza na formi ali jedru ustvarja visoko temperaturno bariero med talino in peščeno formo in s tem preprečuje reakcije med njima. To posredno vpliva tudi na izboljšanje površine ulitkov. Temeljne zahteve ognjevzdržnih premazov so: zagotavljanje minimalne poroznosti, visoka ognjevzdržnost in zmanjšan obseg fizikalno-kemijskih reakcij na vmesnem sloju med talino in premazom (penetracija, mazanje, raztapljanje). Optimizacijo sestave premaza, ki bi zadovoljil vse zgoraj omenjene zahteve, je možno doseči z dodajanjem sol-gel komponente. Uporaba sol-gel postopka v proizvodnji livarskih premazov je nova tehnologija. Najnovejše študije s področja premazov navajajo, da je dodatek sol-gel komponente bistveno izboljšal površino ulitkov; pomembno vlogo pa ima tudi razmerje sola glede na ostale komponente. Dodana sol-gel komponenta zmanjša viskoznost premaza, kar pa izboljša njegove lastnosti (mazljivost) in s tem posledično daje boljšo površino ulitka. Namen pričujočega magistrskega dela je bil raziskati učinek uporabe sol-gel komponente kot dodatka k premazu na vodni osnovi s cirkonskim polnilom. Preučevali smo vpliv treh kemijsko različnih sol-gel komponent na površino ulitkov, pri najboljšem pa tudi vpliv različnih masnih razmerij med osnovnim premazom in sol-gel komponento. Rezultati kažejo, da uporaba sol-gel komponente izboljša površinsko kakovost ulitkov.

Keywords:Vodni premaz s cirkonskim polnilom, sol-gel proces, površina ulitka, globina penetracije premaza, diferenčna vrstična kalorimetrija (DSC)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101905 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1735519 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.07.2018
ŽBONTAR, Maša, 2018, Toplotna in kemijska obstojnost SOL-GEL premaza s cirkonskim polnilom [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Thermal and chemical stability of SOL-GEL coating with zircon filler
In this Master thesis we have explored the field of thermal and chemical properties of water-based coatings with added sol-gel component. Coatings with an added sol-gel component have improved rheological properties, thus improving the application and adhesion of the coating on the surface of sand molds and cores. The mold or core coating creates a high thermal integrity barrier between the metal and the mold in the reduction of the thermal shock experienced by the sand system. The fundamental requirements for refractory coatings are minimum porosity, high refractoriness and reduction of the physicochemical reaction at the metal-coating interface (lubrication, solution, penetration). Optimization of the composite coatings to satisfy all the above requirements can be achieved by adding the sol-gel component. The use of the sol-gel process in the production of foundry coatings has been a new technology. Recent studies in coatings technology indicate that the addition of sol-gel components significantly improves the surface of castings; important role also has a ratio of sol relative to other components. The added sol-gel component reduces the viscosity of the coating, which improves its properties (lubricity) and consequently gives a better surface of the casting. The purpose of the present master's thesis was to investigate the effect of using the sol-gel component as an additive to the water-based coating with zircon filler. We studied the influence of three chemically different sol-gel components on the surface of castings, and at the best, the influence of various mass ratios between the basic coating and the sol-gel component. The results indicate that the use of the sol-gel component significantly improves the surface quality of castings.

Keywords:Water-based coating with zirconium filler, sol-gel process, surface of casting, coating penetration depth, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

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