
Vpliv vizualne podobe na imidž blagovne znamke
ID Breznik, Tim (Author), ID Podnar, Klement (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pomemben faktor pri oblikovanju prvega vtisa je vizualni izgled. Ob prvem vtisu se izoblikuje imidž. Zato je prvi stik potrošnika z organizacijo in njeno vizualno podobo najpomembnejši, saj ustvarja mnenje o tej organizaciji. S teorijo skušamo podkrepiti vpliv vizualne podobe na imidž blagovne znamke. Ob primerjavi dveh izmišljenih vizualnih podob nas je na podlagi prvega vtisa zanimalo, kako potrošniki oziroma deležniki sprejemajo vidne zaznave in kakšen imidž ustvarijo v mislih. S pomočjo kvantitativne raziskave – anketnega vpršalnika smo ugotavljali vpliv zaznane vizualne podobe na pripisano vizualno podobo blagovne znamke. Vsaka organizacja bi morala biti usmerjena k skrbno načrtovani in strateško izdelani identiteti blagovne znamke. Pomemben del slednje je prav vizualna podoba, saj se deležnikom ob prvem stiku z entiteto v večini zdijo ključne vidne zaznave. Celostna vizualna podoba naj bi odsevala realno identiteto organizacije, s katero slednja želi režirati oziroma upravljati posameznikovo dojemanje in interpretacijo ter neposredno vplivati na vtis in presojo o organizaciji.

Keywords:Ključne besede: identiteta blagovne znamke, vizualna podoba, prvi vtis, imidž.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101834 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35754333 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.07.2018
BREZNIK, Tim, 2018, Vpliv vizualne podobe na imidž blagovne znamke [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of visual identity on the image of a brand
An important component when people form the first impression of a company is visual appearance. The first contact of a consumer with a company and its visual identity is of immense importance because the consumer forms an opinion about the company on the basis of its visual identity. Using renowned theories, in our thesis we have tried to support and confirm the fact that visual identity impacts on a company's image. On the basis of a comparison between two invented visual identities of two companies, we were interested in how consumers accept visual perceptions and what kind of mental picture springs up. We checked the theoretical facts about the influence of the visual identity on a company's image with the help of a quantitative research – a questionnaire. Each company should be oriented towards having a carefully planned and strategically created brand identity. Visual brand identity is a very important part of brand identity because visual perceptions are crucial to most consumers when they come into the first contact with an entity. Visual brand identity should reflect a real brand identity of an organization. With visual brand identity an organization wishes to direct and control an individual’s perception and interpretation and, on top of that, directly influence their impression and judgement about the organization.

Keywords:Key words: brand identity, visual (brand) identity, image, first impression.

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