
Negativni vplivi epiduralne analgezije na porodnico in vloga medicinske sestre : diplomsko delo
ID Glamočak, Monika (Author), ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 91E1C5556F7CF5353A95DCADE09065E4

Uvod: Porodna bolečina sodi v skupino najintenzivnejših bolečin. Prav zaradi tega se veliko žensk danes odloči za uporabo epiduralne analgezije med porodom in zanimanje za to je vedno večje. Pomembno je, da porodnica opravi šolo za starše in pogovor z anesteziologom, da bi kasneje lahko dobila epiduralno analgezijo. Bistvenega pomena je ozaveščanje žensk o prednostih in slabostih, ki jih s seboj prinaša aplikacija epiduralne analgezije. Veliko vlogo pri odločitvi in kasneje tudi pri aplikaciji ima medicinska sestra že v šoli za starše, kjer se srečajo s temo epiduralne analgezije ter njenim pomenom in s tem, kako poteka aplikacija. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati pomen porodne bolečine za porodnico in epiduralno analgezijo kot najučinkovitejši način lajšanja bolečine, zaplete in stranske učinke in sam potek aplikacije ter prikazati vlogo medicinske sestre pri porodnicah z epiduralno analgezijo. Metode: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena opisna metoda dela. Uporabljeni so bili strokovni in izvirni znanstveni članki. Narejen je bil kritičen pregled tuje in slovenske literature. Literatura je bila iskana s pomočjo podatkovnih baz Medline (PubMed), CINAHL, Cochrane Library, COBIB.SI. Rezultati: Številne raziskave so dokazale, da epiduralna analgezija velja za enega najučinkovitejših metod za lajšanje porodne bolečine. Med neželenimi učinki so bolečina na mestu vstavitve epiduralnega katetra, nezadostna količina anaglezije, hipotenzija, motnje pri izločanju urina, nepravilna lega in izpad katetra, bradikardija pri plodu, intravenska vstavitev katetra, postpunkcijski glavobol. Razprava in sklep: Epiduralna analgezija predstavlja poseg v človekovo telo in s tem posledično tudi neželene učinke. Glede na informiranost porodnic o prednostih in slabostih, ki jih nosi metoda lajšanja bolečine, je še vedno več porodnic, ki se odločijo za uporabo epiduralne analgezije ob porodu. Pomembno je, da zdravstveno osebje in porodnica sodelujejo ves čas poroda, medicinska sestra / babica opazuje porodnico, ocenjuje bolečino, poskrbi za lajšanje te in v primeru pojava neželenih učinkov takoj ukrepa. Potruditi se moramo, da bo porod za porodnico kar se da lepa izkušnja.

Keywords:porodna bolečina, metode lajšanja bolečine, področna anestezija, tveganja, zdravstvena nega, babištvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101800 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5455723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Negative effects of epidural analgesia on birthing mother and role of nurse : diploma work
Introduction: Maternal pain belongs to the group of the most intense pain. For this reason, many women today opt for the use of epidural analgesia and the interest in this is growing. It is important that a female parent performs a school for parents and an anesthesiologist, so that she can then receive local analgesia. It is very important to raise awareness among women about the advantages and disadvantages of the application of epidural analgesia. Nurse is already a very nurse in the school for parents, where they meet the topic of epidural anesthesia and its significance and how the application is done. Purpose: The purpose of the finish work is to present the significance of childbirth pain for the woman and epidural analgesia as the most effective way to relieve pain, complications and side effects, and the application itself, and to show the role of nurse with women with epidural analgesia, which is also very important. Methods: In the thesis the descriptive method of work is used. Professional and original scientific articles were used. A critical overview of foreign and Slovenian literature was made. Literature was searched using the Medline (PubMed), CINAHL, Cochrane Library and COBIB.SI. Results: The findings confirm that epidural analgesia is one of the most effective methods for relieving birth pain. There are many side effects that can occur. The most commonly present are blockade pain, inadequate analgesia, hypotension, inability to spontaneously urinate, irregular posture and catheter outburst, lowering of fetal heartbeats, intravenous catheter insertion, poisoning headache. Discussion and conclusion: Epidural analgesia is an interference with the human body and consequently it also has unwanted side effects. In Slovenia, women are well informed about the advantages and disadvantages of the pain relief method, but nevertheless, the number of users who choose to use epidural anesthesia at birth is increasing. It is important that medical staff and women work together throughout the time of delivery, the nurse observes the woman assessing the pain, making it easier to deal with it and immediately taking action in the event of an adverse event. We have to work hard to make a wonderful experience for the women.

Keywords:birth pain, methods of relieving pain, local anesthesia, risks, nursing, midwifery

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