
Doživljanje odnosa z Bogom pri odraslih osebah z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu : magistrsko delo
ID Vršnik, Petra (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spolna zloraba v otroštvu je izkušnja, ki za vedno zaznamuje življenje posameznika in ima uničujoče posledice. Vendar pa ni dosmrtna obsodba na trpljenje. V procesu soočanja, pri katerem je lahko odnos z Bogom v veliko pomoč, se mora posameznik v celoti soočiti s svojimi spomini, jih ponovno ovrednotiti in poiskati pomen, s pomočjo katerega lahko zaživi celo globlje in polnejše življenje, kot bi ga živel, če se zloraba ne bi zgodila. Ob soočanju z zlorabo se odprejo eksistencialna vprašanja, na katera pa lahko najdemo odgovore le, če v svoje življenje vključimo duhovno dimenzijo. V magistrskem delu smo s pomočjo kvalitativne metode znanstvenega raziskovanja, in sicer fenomenološke psihološke metode, želeli dobiti vpogled v doživljanje odnosa z Bogom pri odraslih osebah z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu. S pomočjo polstrukturiranih intervjujev, ki smo jih opravili s petimi udeleženci, smo dobili vpogled v doživljanje za udeležence najpomembnejših vidikov odnosa z Bogom in v doživljanje pomena, ki ga ima ta odnos pri očiščenju rane spolne zlorabe. Žrtve spolnih zlorab v otroštvu hrepenijo po novem, drugačnem in predvsem varnem odnosu. Odnos z Bogom je lahko tak odnos, ki zlorabljeni osebi omogoči predelavo nerazrešenih čutenj in nov začetek.

Keywords:spolna zloraba, odnos z Bogom, čustvena regulacija, navezanost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Vršnik]
Number of pages:IV, 64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101792 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7905882 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2018
VRŠNIK, Petra, 2018, Doživljanje odnosa z Bogom pri odraslih osebah z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : P. Vršnik. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Adults experiencing a relationship with God with the childhood experience of sexual abuse
Sexual abuse in childhood is an experience with devastating consequences that mark individual’s life for ever. However, a person does not have to suffer forever. In the process of confrontation, in which the relationship with God can be of a great help, individual has to confront their memories, re-evaluate them and find the meaning through which they can live a deeper and full life than they would if abuse did not happen. When dealing with abuse, existential questions arise, to which we can only find answers if we include spiritual dimension in our life. Using qualitative method of scientific research, namely phenomenological and psychological method, in the master’s thesis we wanted to obtain insight into experiencing relationship with God in adult persons experiencing sexual abuse in childhood. On the basis of semi-structured interviews conducted with five participants, we obtained insight into experiencing the most important aspects of relationship with God by the participants, as well as insights into experiencing the importance that this relationship has in eliminating the wound of sexual abuse. Victims of sexual abuses in childhood long for new, different, and mainly safe relationship. Relationship with God can be that relationship that enables the abused person to process unresolved feelings and new beginning.

Keywords:sexual abuse, relationship with God, emotional regulation, attachment

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