
ID LANG, BERNARDKA (Author), ID Peček, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mednarodni standard ISO 31000 sistematično predstavlja proces obvladovanja tveganj, številna načela ter okvir, iz katerega izhajajo vse potrebne informacije, ki so nujne za uspešno obvladovanje tveganj. V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni negativni dogodki, ki so nastali na območju vzhodne Slovenije v procesu arheoloških raziskav v obdobju od leta 2006 do leta 2016. S pomočjo intervjujev je identificiranih 47 tipov dogodkov, ki so se zgodili 267-krat. Z deskriptivno metodo in analizo so bila proučena poročila, elaborati, zapisi in dnevniki ter tematska literatura. Izvajalec raziskav mora delovni ekipi zagotoviti varno delovno okolje ter poskrbeti za strokovno izvedbo raziskav. Za spremljanje kakovosti dela arheoloških raziskav je posebej izpostavljeno spremljanje in pregled dogodkov in v ta namen je ključna vzpostavitev baze dogodkov s sistematičnim beleženjem. Podani so ukrepi, ki pripomorejo k preprečitvi in zmanjševanju negativnih učinkov. Čas, ljudje in stroški predstavljajo ključne dejavnike tveganj, podani so s pomočjo kvantitativnih metod, in sicer z Markovskimi procesi kot eno izmed metod, ki izhajajo iz ISO 31010. Magistrsko delo temelji na vzpostavljeni bazi dogodkov, ki bo v prihodnje pripomogla k zmanjševanju tveganj oz. negativnih dogodkov in s tem zagotavljala boljše strokovne in finančne rezultate ter večjo varnost za delo in zdravje delovnih ekip, izvajalci pa si bodo v svojem in v širšem okolju pridobivali večjo reputacijo.

Keywords:SIST ISO 31000, obvladovanje tveganj, arheološke raziskave, Markovski procesi, ključni kazalniki tveganj, baza dogodkov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101751 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2018
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The international ISO 31000 standard systematically introduces the process of risk management and principles as well as the frame which the required information that are essential for successful risk management, derive from. In this Master's thesis negative events that occurre in the area of eastern Slovenia in the process of archaeological researches done from 2006 to 2016 are introduced. Interviews were used to indentify 47 types of events that occurred 267 times. The descriptive method and analysis were used to study reports, elaborates, records and journals as well as literature. The researcher must provide his operational team with a safe work environment and professional realisation of the researches. To monitor the work quality of the archaeological researches, special attention has been given to monitor and examine the events thus a key role is played by establishing the base of events by systematically event recording. Time, manpower and costs represent key factors of risks, put down by using the quantitative method by using the Markov’s processes as one of the methods deriving from the ISO 31010 standard. Master’s thesis is based on the established base of events that will support future lowering of the risks or negative events thus providing better professional and financial results as well as better work safety and better health condition for the work team. Moreover, the researchers will gain stronger reputation in their local as well as international environment.

Keywords:SIST ISO 31000, risk management, archaeological researches, Markov’s processes, key risk factors, base of events

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