
Obstojnost frezal z različnimi prevlekami rezalnega robu pri obdelavi orodnega jekla v kaljenem stanju
ID Vidrih, Luka (Author), ID Pušavec, Franci (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Rezalna orodja so podvržena ekstremnim toplotnim in mehanskim obremenitvam. Eden od načinov za podaljševanje njihove obstojnosti je uporaba prevlek. Prevleke rezalnih orodij predstavljajo toplotno zaščito (zmanjšanje toplotne prevodnosti) in znižujejo trenje kontaktnih površin. V diplomskem delu je tako izvedena raziskava obstojnosti spektra testno izdelanih frezal in prevlek, katera primerjalno evalvira performance z uveljavljenimi frezali na trgu (OSG). Začetek diplomskega dela popiše teoretične osnove frezal (s poudarkom na krogelnih frezalih), prevlek in spremljanja obrabe oz. obstojnosti. Sledi eksperimentalni del izvedbe meritev na CNC obdelovalnem centru Mori Seiki Frontier. Iz meritev je bila določena obstojnost testiranih frezal pri obdelavi kaljenega orodnega jekla trdote 58 HRC. Ugotovitve so nakazale, da najboljšo obstojnost zagotavljajo frezala z oznako KX44, ki so prevlečena z AlTiN prevleko. Referenčno frezalo je v času enajstih prehodov doseglo VB11=0,057 mm in VBmax11=0,216 mm. Frezalo KX44 v enakem času doseže obrabljenost VB11=0,144 mm in VBmax11=0,329 mm. Testno frezalo je doseglo 250 % večjo povprečno obrabo, VB, in 150 % večjo maksimalno obrabo, VBmax. Povprečni čas obrabe ostalih frezal je bil 67,0 min. Za nastale razlike v obstojnosti frezal, menim, da ima največji vpliv geometrija frezal. Uporaba različne zaščitne prevleke rezalnega robu ima tudi vpliv na obstojnost samega frezala, vendar je njen odstotek manjši v primerjavi s spremembo geometrije rezalnega roba. Testiranja pokažejo, da je s AlTiN prevleko mogoče doseči daljšo obstojnost rezalnega roba. Iz rezultatov se izkaže, da se z izborom pravilne geometrije in zaščitne prevleke rezalnega roba lahko močno vpliva na obstojnost frezala.

Keywords:Frezanje, obstojnost orodij, prevleka rezalnega roba orodja, obdelovalnost materialov, obdelovalni parametri, orodna jekla
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Vidrih]
Number of pages:XX, 77 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101710 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16128027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Persistance of milling tools with different tool coatings in machining of tool steal in tempered state
Milling tools are influenced by extreme heat and mechanical loads. One of the ways to increase their life expectancy is to put coating over cutting edge. Using coatings on milling tools increases their thermal protection (decrease/ reduce their thermal conductivity) and reduces friction between contact surfaces. In diploma thesis we performed a research on life expectency of various different milling tools and tool coatings. We compared them with well established milling tolls (OSG). At the begining of diploma thesis we describe theoretical basis of milling tools with an emphasis on ball milling tools, tool coatings and observe life expectancy and tool wear. The second part of the experiment talks about the performance on CNC machine Mori Seiki Frontier. By using testing results made on tempered tool steel 58 HRC we are able to determine tool's life expectancy. Results show us that the best life expectancy was achieved by milling tool KX44 coated with AlTiN coating. The reference milling tool achieved VB11=0,057 mm and VBmax11=0,216 mm in time of eleven passages. In the same number of passages with the tool KX44 achieved VB11=0,144 mm and VBmax11=0,329 mm. The test tool reached 250% bigger tool wear ,VB, and 150% bigger maximum wear, VBmax. The average time of other tools waer was 67,0 min. In my opinion the biggest factor for the resulting diffrences in tools wear is different tools geometry. Using different coatings also effects on tools wear, but in much smaller effect. Tests show us that with the right selection of tool geometry and coating we increase the milling tool life expectancy.

Keywords:Milling, life expectancy of tools, material machinability, cutting parameters, chip shapes, tool steel

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