
Potresna analiza obstoječe stavbe za izobraževanje s študijo utrditvenih ukrepov : magistrsko delo
ID Rus, Gašper (Author), ID Bratina, Sebastjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Štampfl, Anton (Comentor)

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Vsebina pričujoče magistrske naloge je povezana z realnim problemom iz inženirske prakse. Predmet analize je ocena potresne odpornosti nosilne konstrukcije stavbe za izobraževanje v Ljubljani. Nosilna konstrukcija je pretežno iz opeke in je bila grajena v petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Geometrijske in materialne karakteristike nosilne konstrukcije so bile pridobljene s pomočjo tehnične dokumentacije in z izvajanjem preiskav na objektu. Pri tem je bilo uporabljenih več vrst destruktivnih, delno destruktivnih in nedestruktivnih preiskovalnih metod. Nato je predstavljeno teoretično ozadje seizmične analize objektov iz nearmiranega zidovja. Na podlagi pridobljenih informacij o stavbi je bil izdelan idealiziran računski model nosilne konstrukcije s programskim orodjem 3Muri. Omenjen program omogoča nelinearno statično analizo konstrukcije s pomočjo makroelementov. Kot rezultat analize program poda potisne krivulje in največje možne pomike ter pospeške, ki jih je konstrukcija še sposobna prenesti. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da nosilna konstrukcija obravnavane stavbe ne nudi ustrezne potresne odpornosti glede na zahteve veljavnega standarda. V nadaljevanju je analiziranih več različnih smiselno izbranih možnosti za povečanje potresne odpornosti obravnavane stavbe. Pri snovanju utrditvenih ukrepov je upoštevano dejstvo, da se bo v bližnji prihodnosti gradil prizidek k obstoječi stavbi. Najustreznejšo varianto utrditve predstavljajo dodatne nosilne armiranobetonske stene in bodoči prizidek objekta.

Keywords:Obstoječa nosilna konstrukcija, preiskave nosilne konstrukcije, N2 metoda, nelinearna statična analiza, programsko orodje 3Muri, potisna krivulja, utrditev zidane konstrukcije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[G. Rus]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101653 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8502881 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:A Seismic Analysis and a Study of Strengthening Measures of an Existing Building for Education : master thesis
In the master thesis, we deal with an engineering practice problem. The subject matter is to assess seismic resistance of an educational facility in Ljubljana. Bearing system of the facility, which was built in the fifties, is mainly made of bricks. Geometric and mechanical features of the existent bearing system were examined by technical documentation and by executing research at the facility. Many destructive, partially destructive and non-destructive research methods were used. Later on a theoretical background is presented, which refers to the seismic analysis of objects made of unreinforced masonry. In the program 3Muri an idealized computational model is presented based on obtained information of the facility. The program is based on the macro elements principle and the non-linear method for seismic performance assessment. Pushover curves, the maximum displacement and acceleration of the bearing system are given as the result of analysis of the structure. According to conditions of the valid standard, the bearing system of the discussed building does not reach the seismic resistance. Later on there are analysed different options for improvement of the seismic resistance of the facility. While designing the strengthening measures it has been taken into account that an extension of the building will be built in the near future. Additional reinforced concrete walls and the future extension of the building are presenting final strengthening measures.

Keywords:Existing masonry building, research of structure, N2 method, nonlinear static analysis, computer program 3Muri, pushover curve, strengthening of masonry building

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