
Ocena kakovosti življenja otrok z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi motnjami z vidika staršev - empirično delo : diplomsko delo
ID Berginc, Samantha (Author), ID Milavec Kapun, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Steklasa, Nina (Comentor)

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Uvod: Sodobna družba je ljudi, ki se težje prilagajajo in držijo omejitev vsakodnevnih situacij, ki so v skladu z družbeno sprejemljivim vedenjem, opredelila kot osebe s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami. Te se začnejo v otroštvu ali adolescenci in lahko pri posamezniku pustijo posledice tudi v kasnejših obdobjih. Veliko vlogo pri tem igra zgodnja in ustrezna obravnava posameznika. Namen: Želeli smo oceniti kakovost življenja otrok s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami z vidika staršev. Pri tem smo želeli izpostaviti vlogo medicinske sestre pri obravnavi teh otrok na primarni ravni zdravstva. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila empirična metoda dela z anketo. Uporabljen je bil Vprašalnik prednosti in težav SDQ. Poslan je bil staršem otrok, ki so se udeležili tabora Zavoda Mavričnih Bojevnikov poleti 2017, ustrezno ga je izpolnilo 63 staršev. Rezultati: Vedenje otrok smo razvrstili na 5 lestvic s področja čustvovanja, soočanja s težavami, hiperaktivnosti, stikov s sovrstniki in socialnega vedenja. Glede na povprečne točke so rezultati pokazali, da imajo otroci na vseh 5 področjih povišane oziroma visoke vrednosti. Skupni seštevek povprečja je 17,04, kar nam pove, da gre za visoko tveganje za razvoj vedenjskih in/ali čustvenih motenj pri otrocih, ki so se udeležili tabora. Razprava in sklep: Na vedenje otrok imajo velik vpliv starši, okolje, šola in prijatelji, materialne dobrine ter mediji. Če želimo otroku pomagati do čim bolj kakovostnega življenja, moramo dodobra poznati okolje, v katerem živi in odrašča. Vedenjske lastnosti otroka, kot so slabša obvladljivost, hiperaktivnost, neposlušnost oziroma slabše sledenje navodilom, večja občutljivost, nezmožnost samostojnega reševanja konfliktov, dodatno vplivajo na otrokovo motnjo. Glavno vlogo pri pridobivanju otrokovih vzorcev za življenje, učenje družbenih norm in socialnih veščin ima družina. Pomembno vlogo ima lahko tudi medicinska sestra, in sicer pri pomoči staršem v prizadevanju za otrokov uspešnejši razvoj in boljše življenje. Treba bi bilo podpirati usposabljanje strokovnih zdravstvenih delavcev v službah za zdravstveno varstvo otrok na primarni ravni zdravstva, da bi krepili kompetence, ki bi jih lahko izkoristili za uspešno prepoznavanje, pomoč in preprečevanje neprilagojenosti in motenj mladostnikov.

Keywords:družina, otroci s posebnimi potrebami, zdravstvena nega
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101634 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5450859 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Quality of life assessment of children with behavioral and emotional disorders from parents perspective - empirical work : diploma work
Introduction: Modern society labels people who have difficulties adapting and adhering to the limitations of everyday situations, according to the socially acceptable behavior as people with emotional and behavioural disorders. These usually start either in childhood or in adolescence and can affect the person later in their life as well. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of such conditions play a very important role. Purpose: We wanted to determine the quality of life of children with emotional and behavioural disorders from the parents’ perspective. In this, we wanted to focus on the role of nurses in the treatment of children on the primary level of healthcare. Methods: We used the empirical method of research. The Questionnaire Strength an Difficulties SDQ was used. and we sent it to the parents of children who attended the “Mavrični Bojevniki” camp in summer 2017 and was completed by 63 parents. Results: We have classified children's problems with 5 scales: emotional problems scale, conduct problems scale, hyperactivity scale, peer problems scale and prosocial scale. The results showed that children in all 5 areas have slightly raised or high values, except prosocial scale. The total sum of the average is 17.04, which tells us that this is a high risk of developing a behavioral or emotional disorder. Discussion and conclusion: Children's patterns of behaviour are influenced by parents, the surroundings, school, friends, material goods and the media. If we want to help children to a more quality life, we need to be familiar with the surroundings in which they live and grow up. Certain behavioural disorders in children, such as hyperactivity, disobedience, inability to follow the rules or control themselves, hypersensitivity and inability to resolve conflicts independently, can further have an effect on the child’s disorder. Family plays a key role in children’s acquisition of behavioural patterns for life and in teaching them social norms and societal skills. Nurses also play an important role in helping parents and children with the development and with improving their quality of life. Nurses are the ones who can, besides parents, monitor and support their progress. It is necessary to support the training of professional healthcare workers in their jobs for the health protection of children on the primary healthcare level. By strengthening their competences, they can use them to successfully recognize, help and prevent adolescent maladjustment and their disorders.

Keywords:family, children with special needs, nursing care

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