
Učinkovita identifikacija in preprečevanje negativnih vplivov poporodne depresije na žensko in otroka ter vloga medicinske sestre : diplomsko delo
ID Gorkič, Ana (Author), ID Mlinar, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Poporodna depresija predstavlja velik javnozdravstveni problem, saj predstavlja najpogostejši zaplet za žensko v poporodnem obdobju. Prevalenca se v razvitih državah giblje med 10 - 15 %. Rojstvo otroka za žensko predstavlja velik mejnik v življenju in s seboj prinese veliko sprememb. Poporodna depresija vpliva na počutje in delovanje ženske ter prinaša negativne posledice tako za žensko, za njeno družino, kot za kognitivni in čustveni razvoj otroka. Namen: S pomočjo znanstvene literature proučiti vzroke, simptome, znake in posledice poporodne depresije ter vpliv na življenje žensk in razvoj otrok. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metoda dela. Strokovno literaturo smo iskali na področju zdravstvene nege, sociologije, ginekologije in psihologije. Za iskanje smo uporabljali strokovne baze CINAHL, Medline in COBIB.SI. Pregledali in analizirali smo strokovno literaturo objavljeno od leta 2008 do 2018. Rezultati: V pregled literature smo vključili sedemnajst raziskav, ki obravnavajo posledice nezdravljene poporodne depresije za žensko in otroka ter pomen teh znanj za medicinsko sestro za učinkovito odkrivanje in pomoč ženski pri izbiri zdravljenja. Devet raziskav poroča o negativnih posledicah za zdravje ženske in negativnih posledicah za razvoj otroka. V sedmih raziskavah pa je bilo ugotovljeno, kako pomembno je znanje za medinsko sestro, da lahko bolj učinkovito odkriva ženske s poporodno depresijo in jim pomaga poiskati ustrezen način zdravljenja. Razprava in zaključek: Pregled literature je pokazal, kako zelo hude posledice ima nezdravljena poporodna depresija za žensko in otrokov razvoj in kako velik je delež žensk, ki zdravljenja ne dobijo. Poporodna depresija pri ženski znižuje starševsko samozavest, povečuje tveganje za samomor in povečuje starševski stres. Pri otroku lahko pride do slabšega kognitivnega in čustvenega razvoja. Medicinske sestre za uspešno odkrivanje poporodne depresije in učinkovito pomoč ženski, poudarjajo pomen kontinuirane obravnave, vzpostavitve zaupljivega odnosa in znanja, podprtega z dokazi. Veliko pa bo potrebno narediti še na izobraževanju družbe in s tem zmanjšati stigmatizacijo poporodne depresije in preprečiti socialno izolacijo žensk in jim tako omogočiti primerno pomoč in zdravljenje.

Keywords:poporodna depresija, vpliv na žensko, vpliv na otroka, vloga medicinske sestre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101633 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5451115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Effective identification and prevention of the negative effects of postpartum depression on a woman and child and the nurse's role : diploma work
Introduction: Postpartum depression is a major public health problem, because it is the most common complication for women in the postnatal period. The prevalence in developed countries ranges between 10 – 15 %. The birth of a child represents a major milestone in a woman's life and brings with it many changes. Postpartum depression affects the well-being and functioning of a woman and has negative consequences for women and her family and for the cognitive and emotional development of the child. Purpose: With the help of scientific literature, we examined the causes, symptoms, signs and consequences of postpartum depression and the impact on the lives of women and the development of children. Methods: A descriptive research method of work was used. We examined scientific literature in the fields of nursing, sociology, gynecology and psychology. For finding sources, we used professional databases for searching: CINAHL, Medline, COBIB.SI. We revived and analyzed the literature published from 2008 to 2018. Results: In the literature review, we included seventeen studies, dealing with consequences of an untreated postpartum depression for a woman and child and the importance of this knowledge for a nurse to effectively scan and assist women in the choice of treatment. Nine studies report on the negative consequences for women's health and the negative consequences for the development of the child. In seven studies, however, it was found how important the knowledge is fort the nurse, so that she can detect women with postpartum depression more effectively and help them find an appropriate treatment. Discussion and conclusion: A review of literature has shown how severe the consequences of untreated postpartum depression are for a woman and the development of a child and how high the percentage of women who do not receive treatment. Postpartum depression increases the risk of suicide in women and increases parental stress. The child may experience worse cognitive and emotional development. Nurses emphasize the importance of continuous treatment, the establishment of a trusted relationship with a woman and evidence-based knowledge for successful detection of postpartum depression and effective support for women. We still have a lot of work to do on the education of society to reduce the stigmatization of postpartum depression and prevent social isolation of women and with that to provide them the help and treatment they need.

Keywords:postpartum depression, effect on women, effect on children, nurse role

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