
Lasersko daljinsko varjenje z adaptivnim sledenjem zvarnemu robu
ID Mohar, Matic (Author), ID Jezeršek, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je opisano lasersko daljinsko varjenje z adaptivnim sledenjem zvarnemu robu. Sistem sestoji iz robotske roke, vlakenskega laserja moči 400 W, skenirne glave, kamere ter računalnika s programom za obdelavo video signala in krmiljenje skenirne glave. Sledenje zvarnemu robu se izvaja po principu laserske triangulacije in aktivnega osvetljevanja površine. Sistem, ki je še v razvojni fazi, smo v okviru te naloge eksperimentalno okarakterizirali z vidika natančnosti sledenja, časovnega odziva na motnjo ter optimalne hitrosti varjenja nerjaveče pločevine debeline 1,5 mm. Na osnovi makrografskih slik zvarjencev smo ugotovili, da optimalna hitrost varjenja znaša 60 cm/min., kar je 50 % višja vrednost od teoretične napovedi (40 cm/min.). Nadalje smo ugotovili, da natančnost sledenja znaša 0,063 mm, časovni odziv pa z absolutnim krmiljenjem znaša 36 ms, s PID-krmilnikom pa 270 ms.

Keywords:Laser lasersko varjenje daljinsko lasersko varjenje robotska roka skenirna glava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Mohar]
Number of pages:XIV, 56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101562 This link opens in a new window
UDC: 621.791.725:681.5(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:16104475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2018
MOHAR, Matic, 2018, Lasersko daljinsko varjenje z adaptivnim sledenjem zvarnemu robu [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Mohar. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Adaptive laser welding with adaptive seam tracking
Theme of this task is remote laser welding with adaptive seam tracking. The system consist of robot arm, fiber laser with power of 400 W, laser head, camera and computer with video signal and laser head controlling software. Remote Seam tracking is based on triangulation and active surface lighting. The system we used, which is still in development phase, has been experimentally characterized from the perspective of seam tracking, distraction time response and optimal welding speed of 1.5 mm thick stainless steel plate. Based on macrographic images of welds, we got to the point, that laser welding optimal speed is 60 cm/min, which is 50% higher than theoretical value (40 cm/min). Furthermore, we found out that seam tracking precision is 0.063 mm, time response with absolute controlling is 36 ms, and 270 ms with PID controller.

Keywords:Laser Laser welding Remote laser welding Robot arm Laser head

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