The field of Classical Animation has a rich and far reaching history. It has been used to represent several different thematic fields, ranging from children's cartoons to films of political propaganda. In our thesis, we decided to research its potential as a means of representation in the field of classical literature. Based on our results we created a short animated movie which, serves as an interpretation of a single chapter from a short story of the Argentinian writer Jorge Louis Borges called The Immortal. First part of our thesis serves to describe history and the basic principles of Western animation. While second, experimental part delves into the process, through which our animated short came to existence. Starting with the very process of literary interpretation, working it's way through the main stages of creation. It describes the search for an original visual expression, planning of the project, software we used and the methods of classical animation itself. Special emphasis is put on explaining our use of software Adobe Photoshop, which while not a tool conventionally associated with animation, is becoming increasingly popular amongst the animation community.