
Vpliv storitvenega okolja na vedenje potrošnikov na primeru Mercator Šiška
ID Škrabl, Laura (Author), ID Golob Podnar, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Okolje storitve je sestavljeno iz velikega števila dejavnikov, ki lahko vplivajo na potrošnike na način, da pri njih izzovejo določene zaznave, občutke in posledično vedenjske odzive. Zaradi vse bolj intenzivne tekmovalnosti v storitveni industriji marketinški strokovnjaki iščejo razlikovalne prednosti, s katerimi bi se ustrezno pozicionirali in zasidrali v glavah potrošnikov. Tako postaja upravljanje dejavnikov storitvenega okolja vse bolj ključnega pomena v želji, da bi potrošnike čim dlje obdržali v okolju storitve, da bi ti porabili čim več denarja in se zvesto vračali. V diplomskem delu preučujem vpliv storitvenega okolja na vedenjske odzive potrošnikov na primeru Mercator Šiška, ki velja za enega najbolj moderno opremljenih trgovskih centrov na svetu. Teoretični del diplomskega dela temelji na poglobljenem preučevanju treh sorodnih modelov, in sicer modela Servicescape, modela fizičnega okolja in Mehrabian-Russell modela. Za raziskovanja štirih temeljnih dimenzij storitvenega okolja (dejavniki ambienta, prostorska razporeditev in funkcionalnost, znaki, simboli in artefakti ter družbeni dejavniki) sem te tri modele združila. Empirični del raziskovanja temelji na kvantitativnem pristopu, pri čemer združujem spletno anketiranje in anketiranje na terenu. Raziskava je pokazala pozitiven vpliv zaznanih dejavnikov prostorske razporeditve in funkcionalnosti ter zaznanih dejavnikov znakov, simbolov in artefaktov na vedenjske odzive potrošnikov v Mercator Šiška. Zaključim lahko, da je mogoče z ustreznim in doslednim upravljanjem storitvenega okolja posledično izzvati želene vedenjske odzive pri potrošnikih.

Keywords:storitveno okolje, servicescape, mehrabian-russell model, vedenje potrošnika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101534 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35685469 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of servicescape on consumers’ behavioral responses in the case of Mercator Šiška
Service environment consists of many dimensions that influence consumers and provoke perceptions, feelings, and consequently behavioral responses. Due to the increasing competition in the service industry, marketers are exploring new ways of positioning and anchoring in consumers’ minds. Managing the dimensions of the service environment has therefore become increasingly important in keeping the consumers in the environment for longer periods of time, which makes them spend more money and retain them as customers. In my thesis I am studying the influence of the servicescape dimensions on consumers’ behavioral responses in the case of Mercator Šiška, which is one of the most modernized shopping centres around the globe. The theoretical part is based on the understanding of three related models - Servicescape, Physical environment and Mehrabian-Russell model. I combined the three models in order to study four main dimensions of the service environment (Ambient Conditions, Space and Function, Signs, Symbols and Artifacts and Social Factors). The empirical part of the study is based on the quantitative approach, which combines internet survey and field study. The study showed positive influence of Space and Function perception and Signs, Symbols and Artifacts perception on consumers’ behavioral responses in the case of Mercator Šiška. I have concluded that appropriate and continuous managing of service environment can lead to desired behavioral responses of consumers.

Keywords:service environment, servicescape, mehrabian-russell model, consumer behaviour

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