The purpose of the master’s thesis was to compare three different types of workout guidance (1 – independently using video application, 2 – in group using video application and with the help of a coach, 3 – in group guided head-on by the coach), and its impact on body indicators, motor skills, functional abilities, and the technique of strengthening gymnastic exercises. The survey included 42 women aged from 18 to 25 years (M = 21.8; SD = 2.03), who were randomly grouped into three groups. For six weeks, each group exercised under the same program, which encompassed two exercise units per week. All the participants performed it on the same day of the week. The first group of women used video application. In this group, each woman played individual exercise on computer and performed workout alone. The second group also used video application. Women in this group did exercise in-group with the help of two coaches. Workout instructors projected exercises to a larger screen. During workout, they provided feedback to the participants concerning the correctness of the performed exercises and corrected their mistakes. Women in the third group did exercises under the coach’s head-on guidance. The coach performed complete workout units, corrected mistakes and provided feedback to the participants on their progress. Prior beginning of the 6-week workout, we performed initial measurement. The measurement included tests of body indicators and tests of motor and functional skills. We also recorded the technique of strengthening gymnastic exercises (squat, push-up). Three independent evaluators evaluated video recordings of the implementation. After the initial measurement, the participants implemented 6-week workout program following an exact protocol. On the second day after finishing the workout program, we repeated the measurements, thus obtaining the data on the final state. The data were processed in the IBM SPSS 22 for Windows software. For all the variables, we performed analysis of the descriptive statistics and tested the normal distribution using Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. The hypotheses were verified using two-way analysis of variance for a mixed plan. The survey revealed that the women who worked out alone at home achieved the smallest progress in body characteristics as well as motor and functional skills. The progress was comparable among the groups that did exercises in a group using video application and assistance of two coaches and the group that did exercise with a coach using head-on approach. Between these two groups, a statistically typical difference in progress was discovered only in evaluation of the push-up technique, while no statistically typical differences were discovered in the squat technique. In body indicators, no statistically typical differences were discovered.