
Uporaba tehnike barvnega ključa v produkciji promocijskega videa
ID MIKULIN, METOD (Author), ID Zaletelj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem predstavil uporabo tehnike barvnega ključa v projektu snemanja promocijskega videa. Opisal sem projekt promocijskega videa ter prizore, v katerih je bila tehnika barvnega ključa uporabljena. Opisal sem postopek snemanja pred zelenim ozadjem, postavitev studia in osvetlitve, ter na kaj vse moramo biti pozorni za čim bolj kakovosten izdelek. V nadaljevanju sem predstavil postprodukcijo videoposnetka in najpogostejše napake pri snemanju. Podrobneje sem opisal uporabo barvnega ključa v programu za montažo Adobe Premiere Pro. Predstavil sem vse parametre učinka Ultra key, ki nam pomagajo pri odpravljanju napak s snemanja in nam omogočijo popolno odstranjevanje zelenega ozadja ter čim boljšo prilagoditev snemanega objekta novemu ozadju. Končan videoposnetek sem prikazal štirim osebam, ki so ocenile kakovost scen, kjer je bila uporabljena tehnika barvnega ključa. Kakovost videoposnetka sem tudi sam ocenil in ugotovil, da je dovolj dobra za namen promocije preko družabnih omrežij.

Keywords:tehnika barvnega ključa, snemanje promocijskega videa, studio z zelenim ozadjem, Adobe Premiere pro, efekt Ultra key
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101494 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Using Chroma Key in Promotional Video Production
This thesis presents usage of a Chroma key effect in production of a promotional video. The video project and the scenes where Chroma key was used are described. The topics include shooting in front of the green screen, how to set up a studio, how to properly set up lights and what needs to be taken into account while shooting to achieve the highest quality product. The second part of the thesis describes the post-production of the video. Usage of Chroma key within Adobe Premiere pro is presented, with the description of the parameters of the Ultra key effect, and their importance for the quality of the green background removal. At the end four people evaluated the quality of final scenes, where Chroma key was used. The quality was subjectively evaluated and the conclusion is that the quality is good enough for video's purpose.

Keywords:Chroma key, production of a promotional video, green screen studio, Adobe Premiere pro, effect Ultra key

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