
Pomen zunajceličnega adenozin trifosfata pri raku.
ID Uhan, Sara (Author), ID Narat, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Molekula ATP (adenozin 5'-trifosfat) predstavlja pomembno zunajcelično signalno molekulo, saj lahko regulira večino tkivnih funkcij. To ji omogočajo predvsem purinski receptorji, katerih plastičnost in raznolikost sta zaslužni za številne različne odzive tarčnih celic. Ker se ATP v zunajceličnem okolju zelo hitro razgradi, opazovanje le nukleotidnih receptorjev P2 in zunajceličnih koncentracij ATP ne zadostuje - pomembno je spremljanje celostne slike dinamičnega ravnotežja med koncentracijami zunajceličnega ATP in njegovih razgradnjih molekul, predvsemadenozina. Medtem ko delujejo povišane koncentracije zunajceličnega ATP v adenosinergičnem sistemu kot signal za nevarnost, so povišane koncentracije adenozina v mikrotumorskem okolju povezane z imunosupresivnimi učinki. Posledica le teh je lahko rak, ki je kompleksna bolezen, na katero imajo vpliv tako znotrajcelični kot zunajcelični procesi in predstavlja zapleteno regulatorno in metabolno mrežo procesov. V nasprotju z zdravimi diferenciranimi celicami, ki se za pridobivanje energije zanašajo predvsem na mitohondrijsko oksidativno fosforilacijo, se večina rakastih celic zanaša na pridobivanje ATP z aerobno glikolizo. Poleg tega pa nedavne raziskave nakazujejo na zmožnost rakastih celic, da ATP prevzamejo z makropinozo iz zunajceličnega tumorskega okolja, kjer so koncentracije znatno višje kot v zdravih tkivih. Odkrivanje in razvoj inhibitorjev encimov in hipoksično-adenozinske poti predstavlja obetavno področje za nova imunoterapevtska zdravljenja, nujna pa je širša obravnava težave neselektivnosti in stranskih učinkov. V prihodnosti lahko pričakujemo odkritje dodelanih metod, ki bi nam ponudile celostno obravnavo in več znanja o mikrookolju rakastih celic. Pomanjkanje metod je namreč ena od glavnih ovir za razvoj novih terapij za rakasta obolenja.

Keywords:ATP, zunajcelično signaliziranje, Warburgov efek, rakaste celice, tumorsko mikrookolje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[S. Uhan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101461 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8982905 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.06.2018
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Title:The relevance of extracellular adenosine triphosphate in cancer.
The ATP (adenosine 5'-triphosphate) molecule is an important extracellular signaling molecule, as it is able to control most aspects of tissue functions. This is primarily facilitated by purine receptors, whose plasticity and diversity are responsible for a wide range of effective responses in the target cell. Since ATP is very rapidly degraded in the extracellular environment, observing only nucleotide P2 receptors and extracellular ATP concentrations is not sufficient - it is important to monitor the overall image of the dynamic equilibrium between extracellular ATP concentrations in its degradation molecules, particularly adenosine. While incresed ATP concentrations in the adenosynergic system act as a signal for danger, increased adenosine concentrations can be associated with the immunosuppressive function of the tumor milieu. Cancer is a complex disease that is dictated both by cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic processes and represents a complicated regulatory and metabolic network of processes. In contrast to healthy differentiated cells that concentrate mainly on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation for the production of energy, most cancer cells rely on the production of ATP by aerobic glycolysis. In addition, recent research suggests the ability of cancer cells to internalize extracellular ATP by macropinosis, since concentrations of extracellular ATP are significantly higher in the tumor microenviroment compared to healthy tissue microenviroment. The detection and development of enzyme inhibitors and hypoxic-adenosine pathways present a promising area for new immunotherapeutic agents; however, a wider consideration of the problem of non-selectivity and side effects is essential. In the future, we can expect the discovery of sophisticated methods that would offer us integrated knowledge of tumor milieu, which is one of the main obstacles in the development of new treatments for cancer.

Keywords:ATP, extracellular signaling, Warburg effect, cancer cells, tumor milieu

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