
Presejalni testi za zgodnje odkrivanje raka debelega črevesa in danke
ID Bitenc, Marko (Author), ID Javornik, Branka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Rak debelega črevesa in danke (RDČD) je tretja najpogostejša vrsta raka in hkrati četrti najpogostejši vzrok smrti zaradi rakavega obolenja na svetu. Čeprav je izvajanje presejalnih testov za raka debelega črevesa v polnem zagonu, in se je stopnja preživetja tekom zadnjih tridesetih let dvignila, je zaradi pomanjkljive zaznavnosti velike večine testov v zgodnji fazi odkritih zgolj okrog 40 – 44 % rakov. V kolikor je rak diagnosticiran v zgodnjem stadiju (I in II) je preživetje pacientov občutno višje kot pri detekciji v poznejšem stadiju (III in IV), kar pomeni da je zgodnja detekcija RDČD izjemno pomembna in potrebna. Trenutni presejalni testi (predvsem imunokemijski testi blata) imajo nižjo sensitivnost v zgodnjem stadiju ter nizko komplianco pacientov, kar pomeni, da obstaja potreba po izboljšavi presejalnih testov. Sprememba presnove je značilen znak ob pojavu raka, ki se kaže v spremembah signalnih poti. Metaboliti so končni produkti celičnih procesov, njihove koncentracije pa se odražajo v delovanju organizma in so hkrati tesno povezane z izraženim fenotipom, kar pomeni, da so metaboliti primerni biološki označevalci za zaznavanje rakavih bolezni. V sklopu te raziskave je bilo pokazano, da je na podlagi metabolnega profila seruma možno razlikovati med pacienti z RDČD, adenomatoznimi polipi in zdravimi pacienti. Vendar je do same uporabe takšnega testa v klinični praksi potrebno še zaključiti multicentrično klinično validacijo na asimptomatski populaciji. Na podlagi te klinične validacije se določi realna natančnost presejalnega testa in preuči potencialna uvedba testa v zdravstven sistem.

Keywords:karcinom, rak, rak debelega črevesa in danke, presejalni test
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Bitenc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101458 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8985465 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.06.2018
BITENC, Marko, 2018, Presejalni testi za zgodnje odkrivanje raka debelega črevesa in danke [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Bitenc. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Screening tests for early colorectal cancer detection
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common type of cancer and the fourth most common cause of cancer death in the world. Although the implementation of creening tests for CRC is in full swing, and the survival rate has risen during the last thirty ears, only about 40-44% of cancers are detected in the early stage, which is due to the limitations of existing tests. If the cancer is diagnosed in the early stage (I or II), the survival of patients is significantly higher compared to detection in later stage (III or IV). This indicates that early detection of CRC is extremely important and necessary. Current screening tests (especially fecal immunochemical test - FIT) have lower sensitivity for early stage CRC and low patient compliance, which means there is a great need to improve existing screening tests. Altered metabolism is one of typical signs of cancer, which can be seen as changes of specific signal pathways. Metabolites are final products of cellular processes, and their concentrations reflect the functioning of organism and are closely related to the phenotypic, which means metabolites are suitable biological markers for the detection of cancers. As part of this study, it has been shown that specific metabolic profile of the serum can be used to distinguish between patients with CRC, adenomatous polyps and healthy patients. However, to use such a test in clinical practice, multicentre clinical validation study on an asymptomatic population has to be completed. Such clinical validation will determine the actual accuracy of the screening test and will show the potential for introduction of the test into the healthcare system.

Keywords:cancer, colorectal cancer, screeening test

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