Oton Župančič was a Slovenian poet, playwright, translator, editor of the magazine Ljubljanski zvon, dramaturge and manager of the Slovenian National Theatre Drama. In January, we celebrated the 140th anniversary of the poet’s birth with cultural events. Despite the extensive poet’s opus, among young readers, the most popular poetry collection is Ciciban in še kaj and its literary hero Ciciban. The poet spoke to the children in a completely simple and persuasive way about some basic values, such as truthfulness, kindness, love for the mother, home speech and homeland. These Župančič’s poems for children represent the highest achievement in poetic creativity in the Slovene literary space. In the dissertation the poet’s biography and bibliography are presented. The children’s poetry collections Pisanice, Lahkih nog naokrog, Sto ugank and Ciciban in še kaj, from which I have selected some of the poems that we have discussed and performed with children in kindergarten, are also presented in detail. In the empirical part of the dissertation I wanted to determine the ways in which the poems can be reproduced in the pre-school age, which types of recreation are liked by children and which not, if the children are familiar with the poems of Oton Župančič, and what impact the recreation of a poem has had on the development of speech in pre-school children. Before reading the children did not know anything about the poet Oton Župančič, but they knew some of his poems. The poet’s life, children’s poetry collections and some poetry texts were recognized only through reading and performing, in which, through various contents and activities, we connected the fields of language, art, society, movement, mathematics and nature. By performing, I wanted to influence children’s language development. The invention of the puzzle, the work Ježki in še kaj, and the visit of the Oton Župančič Municipal Library are just some of the activities that I have promoted to develop the children’s speech competence.