
Predlog nove prometne povezave med Tolminom in naselji v njegovi okolici : magistrsko delo
ID Kuščer, Martina (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Urbančič, Tilen (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu smo analizirali območje, vzhodno od mesta Tolmin, natančneje med naseljema Poljubinj in Žabče, na katerem smo načrtovali novo oz. rekonstrukcijo obstoječe prometne infrastrukture. S predlogom nove prometne ureditve želimo izboljšati medsebojne povezave med obravnavanimi naselji, povečati dostopnost do občinskega središča ter zagotoviti izvajanje predvidenih novih turističnih dejavnosti. Za potrebe umeščanja prometne infrastrukture smo izdelali analize širšega in ožjega območja. Na podlagi analitičnih ugotovitev smo oblikovali cilje nove prometne ureditve na obravnavanem območju ter nato izdelali več variantnih potekov predvidenih prometnih povezav. Najustreznejšo varianto smo izbrali na podlagi predhodno določenih kriterijev vrednotenja: dolžina ceste, maksimalen naklon ceste, potek predlaganega odseka po obstoječih poteh, veljavna namenska raba in število zahtevnejših gradbenih posegov. Kombinacija odsekov, ki je bila najbolje ovrednotena, sestavlja izbrano varianto trase ceste, katero smo še podrobneje programsko obdelali. Uskladili smo nekatere geometrijske elemente in dodali dva kraka ceste. Končna idejna zasnova prometne povezave predstavlja optimalno prometno urejenost v smislu zagotavljanja potreb prebivalcev in obiskovalcev obravnavanega območja.

Keywords:Občina Tolmin, Poljubinj, Žabče, turistično območje, prometna dostopnost, povezljivost, nova prometna povezava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Kuščer]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101437 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8446561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Proposal for the new road connecting Tolmin city and the surrounding villages : master thesis
In this master thesis we analysed the area east of Tolmin city, located between the villages Poljubinj and Žabče, where we planned a new road infrastructure or reconstruction of the existing roads. By defining new road connections we want to provide better connectivity of the discussed villages, improve access to the municipality centre and ensure the implementation of new planned tourist activities. For the purpose of planning new road infrastructure we analysed the wider and narrower area of planning. The goals for designing a new road were set based on the analyses. Then we constructed several possible courses of the new road. The best option of the road was chosen based on predefined evaluation criteria: road length, maximum road slope, correspondence of the planned road with the existing ones, valid land use and number of demanding construction works. The combination of road sections with the highest evaluation comprises the optimal road route. The final route was then programmatically detailed by editing some geometrical elements and adding two sections of the road. The final proposal for the new road presents the optimal traffic regulation, meeting the requirements of local people and visitors of the area.

Keywords:Municipality of Tolmin, Poljubinj, Žabče, tourist area, traffic accessibility, connectivity, new road infrastructure

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