
Doživljanje timskega dela pri vzgojiteljicah in pomočnicah vzgojiteljice v vrtcu : magistrsko delo
ID Balderman, Jera (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5086/ This link opens in a new window

Timsko delo vključuje timsko načrtovanje, timsko izvajanje in timsko evalviranje. Vzgojiteljica in pomočnica vzgojiteljice imata različna znanja, spodobnosti in motivacijo za delo v timu, različne navade in želje po profesionalni rasti. Kakovost je odvisna od njunega medsebojnega sodelovanja, saj je tim le tako lahko uspešen. V timu so potrebni dogovori, pogovori, saj tim le tako lahko pride do skupno zastavljenih ciljev. Oblikovanje uspešnega in učinkovitega tima je dolgotrajen proces. Ljudje se razlikujemo v mnenjih in stališčih, zato prihaja do konfliktov, ki jih je treba sprotno reševati. Slabi odnosi in komunikacija rušijo klimo in zmanjšujejo učinkovitost timov. Zadovoljujoče timsko delo prispeva k pozitivnim odnosom in spodbuja osebnostni in strokovni razvoj članov tima. Empirična raziskava je temeljila na dveh glavnih raziskovalnih vprašanjih. Zanimalo me je, kako vzgojiteljica in pomočnica vzgojiteljice v vrtcu zaznavata svoj medsebojni odnos ter kako vzgojiteljica in pomočnica vzgojiteljice zaznavata strokovne kompetence pri sebi in druga pri drugi. Z raziskavo sem želela dobiti vpogled v odnose v timu v oddelku vrtca, ki ga sestavljata vzgojiteljica in pomočnica vzgojiteljice. V empirično raziskavo je bilo vključenih 100 zaposlenih strokovnih delavk iz različnih vrtcev po Sloveniji, ki so bile različnih starosti, spola, izobrazbe, delovnega staža v organizaciji in skupne delovne dobe. Vzorec je vključeval člane timov v oddelku vrtca, tj. vzgojiteljico in pomočnico vzgojiteljice v vsakem izbranem oddelku. Podatke sem zbirala z avtorskim anketnim vprašalnikom, ki je vključeval zaprti, odprti in kombinirani tip vprašanj ter ocenjevalne lestvice. Vprašalnike za člane istega pedagoškega tima sem vezano šifrirala. Vprašalnik sem preizkusila v pilotni raziskavi in preverila njegove merske karakteristike. Med vzgojiteljicami in pomočnicami vzgojiteljice mi ni uspelo potrditi statistično pomembnih razlik v zaznavanju odnosov pri timskem delu. Ugotovila sem statistično pomembno povezanost med zaznavanjem enakovredne delitve dela ter kakovostjo odnosa – tiste strokovne delavke, ki med seboj zaznavajo boljše odnose, si tudi bolj enakovredno delijo delo.

Keywords:timsko delo, vzgojiteljice, pomočnice vzgojiteljic, kompetence vzgojitelja v vrtcu
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[J. Balderman]
Number of pages:99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101371 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12010057 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing of team work of preschool teachers and preschool teachers assistants
Teamwork includes team planning, team performance, and team evaluation. Teacher and her assistant mastered different knowledge, abilities, and motivation for work in the team, different habits, and wishes of professional growth. The quality depends on their mutual cooperation, as this is the only way for the team to be successful. Agreements and conversations are necessary for the team, as this is the only way for the team to reach commonly set goals. Forming a successful and efficient team is a long-term process. People differ in opinions and attitudes. Therefore, conflicts emerge which have to be solved regularly. Poor relationships and poor communication destroy the climate and diminish the efficiency of teams. Satisfying teamwork contributes to positive relationships and induces personal and professional growth of the members of the team. The empirical research was based on the two main research questions. We were interested in how the teacher and her assistant in the kindergarten sense their mutual relationship, and how the teacher and her assistant sense professional competencies in them and in each other. By research, we wished to get the insight into the relationships in the team of the department of the kindergarten, which is composed of the teacher and her assistant. In the empirical research, 100 professional workers employed in different kindergartens all over Slovenia were included. Their age, gender, education, seniority in the organization, and years of service were various. The pattern included team members in the department of the kindergarten, i.e. the teacher and the assistant of the teacher, in every selected department. I acquired data by means of my own survey questionnaire which included the closed, the open and the combined type of questions and rating scales. I encrypted the questionnaires for the members of the same team in combination. I tested the questionnaire in the pilot study and verified its measurement characteristics. I could not verify statistically important differences in sensing the relationships in the teamwork between the teachers and their assistants. I discovered the statistically important connection between sensing equivalent division of work and the quality of the relationship – those professional workers who sense the better relationship between them divide work more equally.

Keywords:nursery school, vrtec

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