
Vpliv estrov kavne kisline na znotrajcelično redoks stanje kvasovke Saccharomyces cerevisiae
ID Poglajen, Rok (Author), ID Jamnik, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Polak, Tomaž (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi smo preverili vpliv različnih vrst estrov kavne kisline (EKK), kot so metilni ester kavne kisline (CAME), etilni ester kavne kisline (CAEE), izopropilni ester kavne kisline (CAIPE) ter fenetilni ester kavne kisline (CAPE), na znotrajcelično redoks stanje, pri čemer smo uporabili kvasovko Saccharomyces cerevisiae kot modelni organizem. Celice kvasovk smo v stacionarni fazi rasti za dve uri izpostavili različnim koncentracijam izbranih vrst EKK. Pri tem smo za vse vrste EKK uporabili 1000 µM koncentracije, le pri vrsti CAPE smo poleg omenjene koncentracije uporabili še 100 µM koncentracijo. Izpostavitvi celic EKK sta sledili meritvi razmerja NAD+/NADH, ter vsebnosti znotrajceličnega glutationa v reducirani obliki (GSH). S statistično obdelanimi rezultati, pridobljenimi v sklopu meritev razmerja molekul NAD+/NADH smo ugotovili, da vse vrste EKK nimajo enakega učinka. Do povišanja razmerja NAD+/NADH glede na kontrolo je prišlo v primeru tretiranja celic z EKK vrst CAPE, CAIPE v koncentraciji 1000 µM ter CAPE v koncentraciji 100 µM. Izmed vseh testiranih vrst EKK je najbolj izstopal CAPE v 1000 µM koncentraciji, pri čemer se je razmerje povečalo v največji meri. V primeru tretiranja celic z EKK vrste CAME v koncentraciji 1000 µM, se je razmerje v primerjavi s kontrolo znižalo. Statistično obdelani rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili v primeru meritev glutationa v reducirani obliki (GSH) kažejo, da se vsebnost znotrajceličnega GSH glede na kontrolo ni spremenila v nobenem izmed primerov, kar nakazuje, da antioksidativno delovanje vrst EKK v koncentracijah s katerimi smo tretirali celično kulturo kvasovk, ni posledica indukcije neencimskega antioksidativnega obrambnega sistema, kot je glutation.

Keywords:estri kavne kisline, metilni ester kavne kisline, etilni ester kavne kisline, izopropilni ester kavne kisline, fenetilni ester kavne kisline, fenolne spojine, in vivo antioksidativna učinkovitost, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[R. Poglajen]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101342 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4910456 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2018
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Title:The effect of caffeic acid esters on intracellular redox state in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
In the master's thesis, we examined how different types of caffeic acid ester (CAE) such as caffeic acid methyl ester (CAME), caffeic acid ethyl ester (CAEE), caffeic acid isoprenyl ester (CAIPE), and caffeic acid phenetyl ester (CAPE) affect intracellular redox state, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism. The yeast cells were exposed to different concentrations of selected CAE types in the stationary growth phase for two hours. During our work we used 1000 μM concentrations for all types of CAE. In addition to mentioned concentration, we used a concentration of 100 μM in the CAPE series only. After the exposure of cells to CAE, we measured NAD+/NADH ratio and content of reduced intracellular glutathione (GSH). Based on obtained statistically processed results of the ratio of NAD+/NADH molecules, we found that all CAE types do not have the same effects. The increase in the NAD+/NADH ratio according to the control occurred in the case of the treatment of cells with CAPE, CAIPE at 1000 μM concentration and CAPE at 100 μM concentration. Among all CAE types tested, CAPE at 1000 μM concentration increased the ratio to the greatest extent. In the case of the treatment with CAME at 1000 μM concentration, the ratio decreased compared to control. The statistically processed results obtained in the case of GSH measurement show that the intracellular GSH content relative to the control did not change in any of the cases, indicating that the antioxidative action of the CAE types at concentrations we used does not result from induction of a non-enzymatic antioxidant defense system, such as glutathione.

Keywords:caffeic acid esters, caffeic acid methyl ester, caffeic acid ethyl ester, caffeic acid isopropyl ester, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, phenolic compounds, in vivo antioxidant activity, Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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