
Združevanje tehnologij dodajanja materiala in odrezovanja za izdelavo optimiranega orodja
ID Homar, David (Author), ID Kopač, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tematika doktorskega dela se umešča na področje tehnologije hibridne izdelave orodnih vložkov, namenjenih postopku injekcijskega brizganja polimerov. Tehnologija hibridne izdelave v tem primeru pomeni združevanje tehnologije dodajanja materiala po plasteh kot sodobno tehnologijo in tehnologije odrezavanja kot konvencionalne tehnologije. Doktorsko delo obravnava problematiko avtomatske razmejitve orodnega vložka za injekcijsko brizganje polimerov na del, ki je najbolj primeren za izdelavo s tehnologijo odrezavanja in na del, ki ga je možno izdelati le s tehnologijami dodajanja materiala po plasteh. V ta namen je bil opredeljen razmejitveni kriterij in razvit programski paket, ki na osnovi analize CAD modela opredeli ravnino razmejitve. Pri tem je privzeto, da ima obravnavani orodni vložek vhodni in izhodni hladilni kanal na spodnji ali stranski ravnini orodnega vložka. Razmejitveni kriterij je bil ovrednoten na realnem industrijskem primeru izdelave orodnega vložka za injekcijsko brizganje izdelka, ki se uporablja v farmaciji. Simulacije in meritve temperatur pri ohlajanju orodnega vložka so pokazale bistveno enakomernejše in hitrejše ohlajanje površine orodnega vložka. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da je izdelava po hibridni metodi za približno 51 odstotkov krajša in za približno 48 odstotkov cenejša od izdelave samo s tehnologijo dodajanja materiala po plasteh.

Keywords:hibridna izdelava, dodajalne tehnologije, selektivno lasersko pretaljevanje, tehnologije odvzemanja materiala, frezanje, algoritem za razmejitev CAD modela
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101287 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16063259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.05.2018
HOMAR, David, 2018, Združevanje tehnologij dodajanja materiala in odrezovanja za izdelavo optimiranega orodja [online]. Doctoral dissertation. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Combining additive and machining technologies to get optimized mould
The doctoral thesis theme relates to the technology of hybrid manufacturing of tooling inserts intended for injection moulding of polymers. In this case hybrid manufacturing means the combination of two technologies, a modern additive technology where the material is added in layers and a conventional cutting technology. This thesis deals with automatic splitting of injection moulding tooling inserts into two parts: the part most suitable for manufacturing with cutting technologies and the part that can only be manufactured with additive technologies. For this purpose, a splitting criteria was defined and a software that analyses the CAD model and automatically defines the splitting plane was developed. It is assumed that the inlet and outlet cooling channels of the tooling insert in question are either on the bottom or the side surface of the injection moulding tooling insert. The splitting criteria was confirmed on a real industrial case of manufacturing a tooling insert for injection moulding of a product, which is used in pharmacy. Simulations and measurements of the temperature field while cooling the injection moulding tooling inserts showed a significantly faster and evenly distributed cooling effect. Furthermore, the hybrid manufacturing method yielded a 51% and 48% decrease in production time and cost, respectively, in comparison with the additive technology.

Keywords:hybrid manufacturing, additive technologies, selective laser melting (SLM), subtractive technologies, milling, algorithm for dividing CAD model

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