
Zavarovanje dokazov pri kršitvah pravic industrijske lastnine
ID Košir, Ana (Author), ID Podobnik, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski diplomski nalogi bom predstavila institut zavarovanja dokazov pri kršitvah pravic industrijske lastnine, kot je urejen v 124. členu Zakona o industrijski lastnini. Njegovi aktualni vsebini je botrovala implementacija 7. člena Direktive 2004/48/ES o uveljavljanju pravic intelektualne lastnine, ta pa je v Direktivi našel prostor zaradi 50. člena Sporazuma TRIPS. V nalogi bom ločeno glede na pravni vir raziskala pogoje za izdajo sklepa za zavarovanje dokazov in pri tem opozorila na odstopanja oz. neskladja slovenske zakonodaje s pravom EU. Kritično se bom opredelila do dokaznega standarda »razumljivo dosegljivih dokazov« in odgovorila na vprašanje, kako natančno morajo biti opisani dokazi, katerih zavarovanje se predlaga. Na eni strani bom izpostavila zahteve mednarodnega, evropskega in nacionalnega prava, ki določajo pomembnost nujnega, takojšnjega, dejanskega in učinkovitega postopanja, na drugi strani pa bom opozorila na votlost omenjenih določb v smislu nedoločenosti roka oz. trajanja postopka zavarovanja. V zvezi z možnostjo izvedbe ex parte postopka, bom opozorila na neenak položaj upnikov, saj je o zavarovanju nekaterih odločeno takoj in je zagotovljen učinek presenečenja, drugi pa lahko nanj čakajo več mesecev. Ukrep zavarovanja dokazov bom razmejila od začasnih odredb, ga opredelila kot institut med izvršilnim in pravdnim postopkom ter se spraševala o smiselnosti prenašanja institutov in načel dveh različnih postopkov, pravdnega in izvršilnega, v postopek odločanja o zavarovanju dokazov pri kršitvah pravic industrijske lastnine.

Keywords:zavarovanje dokazov pri kršitvah pravic industrijske lastnine, pogoji za izdajo sklepa, dokazni standard, ex parte postopek, varstvo tajnih podatkov, načelo sorazmernosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101267 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16143697 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Preservation of evidence in the infringement of industrial property rights
The aim of this master’s thesis is to present the institute of preservation of evidence in the infringement of industrial property rights, as stipulated in Article 124 of the Industrial Property Act. Its current content originates in the implementation of Article 7 of Directive 2004/48/ec on the enforcement of intellectual property rights, which stems from Article 50 of TRIPS agreement. In this thesis I will separately research the conditions pertaining to individual source of law that are needed for the preservation of evidence order and I will point to the derogations in and discrepancies between the Slovenian legislation and European Community Law. I will take a critical position to the standard of proof of “reasonably available evidence” and will respond to the issue of how exact should the description of evidence proposed for preservation be. On one hand, I will point out the requirements of the international, European and national laws that determine the relevance of urgent, immediate, effective and efficient proceeding, while on the other hand I will highlight the law voidness of the discussed provisions in the sense of undefined deadlines and general duration of the process of evidence preservation. I will also point out to the inequality among creditors in the context of the possibility of ex parte proceedings, as some cases are resolved immediately and thus the surprise effect is possible, while others take months. I will delineate the measures for in the preservation of evidence from temporary orders and define it as an institute standing between the enforcement proceeding and legal procedure, while discussing whether the transfer of institutes and principles of two different proceedings, legal and enforcement, onto the procedure deciding on the preservation of evidence in infringement of the industrial property rights makes sense or not.

Keywords:preservation of evidence in the infringement of industrial property rights, conditions required to make an order, standard of proof, ex parte proceeding, protection of confidential data, principle of proportionality

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