
Zasnova večnamenske strežne naprave
ID Majnik, Klemen (Author), ID Šimic, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Herakovič, Niko (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljeno snovanje večnamenske strežne naprave, ki je zaradi modularne gradnje in fleksibilnosti primerna za specifične procese strege v laboratorijskem okolju in pri katerih uporaba že obstoječih rešitev ni primerna. V prvem delu diplomske naloge je pregledana literatura s področja koncipiranja in snovanja, ter s področja strežnih naprav, ki omogočajo strego in dvigovanje različnih bremen. Na podlagi obstoječih naprav smo izdelali nove koncepte strežnih naprav, ki so modularno izdelane in zato fleksibilne ter večnamenske. Izdelane koncepte smo glede na izbrane kriterije ovrednotili in med njimi izbrali najbolj optimalen koncept naprave. Za izbrani koncept smo izdelali 3D modele sestavnih delov, ki smo jih združili v sestav. Izvedli smo potrebne analitične preračune in simulacijo z metodo končnih elementov za analizo izbranih kritičnih komponent. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge smo izdelali strukturo izdelka in strukturo montažnih operacij, ki so potrebne za sestavo strežne naprave in izdelali tehnično dokumentacijo ter navodila za uporabo.

Keywords:strežna naprava, večnamenska naprava, modularna zasnova, koncipiranje, dvig bremena, statična analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101260 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Design of a multifunctional handling device
This thesis presents the designing process of a multifunctional handling device, which is suitable for the material handling operations in laboratory environment where the use of other commercially available solutions is not appropriate. The first part of this thesis presents the theoretical principles found in literature relating the designing process and the description of handling devices used for material transportation and lifting. Based on the design of other commercially available devices we made the concepts for our device, which is modular and therefore flexible and multifunctional. In the next step we evaluated all the concepts and chose the best one. For this chosen concept we made 3D models of components that we put together in the assembly. We carried out the necessary analytical calculations and simulations with the finite element method for the analysis of the selected critical components. In the final part of the thesis, we created the product structure and the structure of assembly operations that are necessary for the assembly of the handling device and produced technical documentation and instructions for use.

Keywords:material handling device, multifunctional device, modular design, designing, load lifting, static analysis

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