
Razvoj in montaža testne naprave za obdelavo vode
ID Vidergar, Ambrož (Author), ID Šimic, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Herakovič, Niko (Comentor)

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V nalogi je predstavljen razvoj koncepta testne naprave za obdelavo vode, pri katerem se osredotočamo na razvoj krmiljenja in grafičnega vmesnika za spremljanje ključnih parametrov sistema. Na podlagi koncepta testne naprave je prikazana izvedba montaže naprave. Najprej so predstavljene teoretične osnove, ki zavzemajo problematiko pridobivanja vode in pregled postopkov obdelave vode, sledi podrobnejši pregled uporabljenih postopkov za obdelavo vode. V nadaljevanju je opravljena analiza sistema, kjer je predstavljeno mehansko in električno delovanje uporabljenih komponent. Izdelan je podrobnejši popis ključnih električnih signalov za delovanje sistema. Sledi razvoj krmiljenja naprave, kjer se osredotočamo na uporabljene krmilne komponente in razvoj krmilne logike podprogramov posameznih komponent. Na koncu je predstavljena izdelava grafičnega vmesnika in sistema SCADA. Razvita je avtomatizirana testna naprava za obdelavo vode, ki bo služila kot okolje za razvoj in testiranje novih konfiguracij sistemov za obdelavo vode.

Keywords:testna naprava, montaža, obdelava vode, analiza sistema, programljivi logični krmilnik, razvoj krmiljenja, sistem SCADA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Development and assembly of the test water treatment device
In the thesis we look into the development of the concept test water treatment device with main focus on the development of the control system and graphic interface for monitornig the key parameters. Based on the concept device, the assembly of the device is shown. The first part presents theoretical basis of water treatment, including issues with water extraction, water resources and water treatment processes, which is followed by a more detailed review of the used processes. The second part comprises the system analysis, representing detailed view of the electrical and mechanical functions of the included elements and a list of key signals. Further on, the development of control program is described, presenting the used control hardware and an insight into the logic behind the subprograms of the components. In the last part, the graphical interface and the system SCADA production are described. The automated test water treatment device is developed, which will serve as testing and development enviroment for the new configurations of water treatment systems.

Keywords:test device, assembley, water treatment, system analysis, programmable logic controller, control system development, system SCADA

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