
Tri generacije šolskih beril in tematik v prvem triletju osnovne šole
ID Nardin Žagar, Mia (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5073/ This link opens in a new window

Učenci se v prvem obdobju šolanja že srečujejo z različnimi književnimi besedili, tudi in predvsem v sklopu branja osnovnošolskih beril. Za nekatere učence lahko berila, ki se pojavljalo pod različnimi naslovi, predstavljajo prvi stik z raznolikostjo slovenske in tuje literature ter so temelji, na katerih se nato gradi posameznikov seznam prebranih del in nadaljnje znanje oz. poznavanje literature šolskega kanona. Ker se v obdobju prvih let šolanja temelji učencev za poznavanje literature po večini šele gradijo, me je zanimalo, kako k temu pripomorejo zdajšnja berila in tudi, kako se je to odražalo v preteklosti. Tako kot se spreminjata družba in šolstvo skozi desetletja, se spreminjajo tudi učila. Predvsem berila pogosto posredno odražajo stanje v družbi in tudi socialno-zgodovinska dogajanja. Čeprav je za književna besedila značilno, da spodbujajo bralčevo domišljijo, čustva, čute, manj pa preverljive podatke o resničnem svetu, se lahko prek nabora in analize vsebin samih besedil naučimo veliko o razmišljanju in razvoju samega procesa skozi desetletja. V svoji magistrski nalogi sem zato izbrala berila treh različnih generacij, da bi v sklopu teh ugotovila, kako sta se socialno-politična zgodovina in družbeno dogajanje skozi tematiko in vsebino odražala v izboru literature za učenje in branje ter na kakšni osnovi lahko pričakujemo, da bodo nastajala tudi berila v prihodnosti. Izbrala sem si berila prvih treh razredov osnovne šole. Analizirala sem tista, ki so bila v uporabi v šolskem letu 1971/72, v času šolanja svojih staršev (Prvo berilo; Drugo berilo in Tretje berilo), nato berila, ki sem jih kot učenka poznala in uporabljala v šolskem letu 1992/93 (Prvo berilo; Hiša, hiška, hiškica in Babica, ti loviš) ter zdajšnja berila, ki jih uporabljam kot učiteljica (Lili in Bine 1; Lili in Bine 2 ter Lili in Bine 3). Branje je ena izmed sporazumevalnih zmožnosti, ki jo urimo in obvladamo v času osnovne šole. Kako sprejemamo branje kot učenci in pozneje kot odrasli, je v veliki meri odvisno od tega, kako so literarna dela predstavljena in kako močna je motivacija za delo z besedili. Veliko vlogo igra pri tem učitelj oz. njegovo navdušenje, motiviranje in interakcija, ki jo vzpostavi med učenci in literarnimi deli, pri tem ne moremo zanemariti tudi samih učil.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101226 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11994185 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Three generations of school readings and topics in the first triad of primary school
In early school years, students encounter various literary works, mostly as required primary school reading. For some students required reading can be the first contact with a variety of Slovenian or foreign literature. It is a foundation on which an individual's reading opus, learning and knowledge of literature is built. Because the students foundation for knowledge of literature is still being built, I was interested in how current as well as past required reading contributes to the process. Society and educational systems change throughout decades and so do teaching aids and tools.The latter, mostly required reading, often directly reflect the state of society as well as daily life trends. Despite the fact that artistic texts typically spark the reader's imagination, emotions and senses rather than verifiable information about the real world, the literary canon and the analysis of its texts can tell us a lot about the thinking and the development of the learning process throughout decades. Therefore, I have chosen the required reading of three different generations for my master dissertation in order to determine how socio-political history and social atmosphere are reflected in the selection of reading and learning literature through their topics and contents, as well as to determine the basis upon which future reading will be created. I chose required reading in the first three grades of primary school. I analysed reading textbooks that were used in 1971/72 when my parents went to school (Prvo berilo, Drugo berilo and Tretje berilo), then the books that I knew and used as a student in 1992/93 (Prvo berilo; Hiša, hiška, hiškica and Babica, ti loviš!) and current required reading that I use as a teacher (Lili in Bine 1, Lili in Bine 2 and Lili in Bine 3). Reading is a skill that we develop and master in primary school. Our attitude to reading as students and later as adults largely depends on how literature is presented to us and how strong the motivation for working with texts is. A teacher's enthusiasm, motivation and interraction they develop with students and works of literature plays a big role. However, we can not disregard the importance of teaching aids either.

Keywords:required reading

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