
Motivacijski dejavniki starejših oseb za telesno dejavnost : pregled literature
ID Šotiček, Teja (Author), ID Divjak, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žunko, Helena (Comentor)

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Uvod: Starejši se srečujejo s pomembnimi spremembami v delovanju telesa in povečano obolevnostjo, kar jim lahko preprečuje začetek ali nadaljevanje telesne dejavnosti. Telesna dejavnost ne more preprečiti procesa staranja, lahko pa upočasni fiziološke procese staranja. Od motivacije je odvisno, ali bo posameznik začel in dokončal določeno dejavnost. V poznejših, zrelih letih motivacije začne primanjkovati, zato raziskovalci človekovega vedenja poskušajo odkrivati dejavnike, ki bi ljudi spodbudili k povečani telesni dejavnosti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na osnovi pregleda tuje in domače strokovne ter znanstvene literature ugotoviti, kateri dejavniki starejše osebe motivirajo in kateri ovirajo pri telesni dejavnosti. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila opisna – deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom tuje in domače literature. Pri delu in pridobivanju podatkov smo uporabili sistematični pregled in iskanje literature v podatkovni bazi, PubMed. Ključne besede, ki so bile uporabljene za iskanje literature, posamezno ali v medsebojni kombinaciji, so bile v slovenskem jeziku: starost, starejši odrasli, motivacija, telesna dejavnost, ovire, fizioterapija; v angleškem jeziku pa: older adults, physical activity, motivation, barriers, facilitators, physiotherapy. Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključenih osem raziskav, v katerih so se ukvarjali predvsem z motivacijo in ovirami za telesno dejavnost pri starejših odraslih. Najpogostejša motivacija je ohranjanje telesnega in duševnega zdravja, največja ovira pa slabo zdravstveno stanje oziroma bolečina. Razprava in sklep: Za spodbujanje starejših odraslih k telesni dejavnosti je najpomembnejše zagotoviti lahek dostop do vadbenih programov, okrepiti motivatorje in zmanjšati ovire.

Keywords:starost, starejši odrasli, motivacija, telesna dejavnost, ovire, fizioterapija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101218 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5429355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.05.2018
ŠOTIČEK, Teja, 2018, Motivacijski dejavniki starejših oseb za telesno dejavnost : pregled literature [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Motivators to physical activity among older adults : literature review
Introduction: Older adults face significant changes in the physical functioning of the body and increased morbidity, which can prevent them from starting or continuing with their physical activity. Physical activity cannot stop the aging process, but it can slow down the physiological processes of aging. Whether an individual will start and finish a certain activity depends on motivation. Older adults start losing their motivation, so researchers of human behaviour are trying to discover the motivators that would encourage people to increase their physical activity. Purpose: The purpose is to determine motivators and barriers to physical activity among older adults based on a literature review of foreign and Slovenian professional and scientific literature. Methods: The descriptive research method was used and foreign and domestic scientific literature was reviewed. A critical review of scientific writings served as a basis for the analysis. Scientific writings were systematically reviewed using PubMed. The individual or combined keywords used for the literature search were: older adults, physical activity, motivation, barriers, facilitators, physiotherapy. Results: Eight studies, which focused primarily on motivation and barriers to physical activity in older adults, were included in the survey. The most common motivator is preservation of physical and mental health, while the biggest barrier is poor health or pain. Discussion and conclusion: In order to encourage older people to be physically active, it is most important to provide easy access to training programmes, to strengthen motivators, and to reduce barriers.

Keywords:old age, older adults, motivation, physical activity, barriers, physiotherapy

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