
Kakovost odnosov s starši v primarni družini in tesnoba pri odraslih otrocih alkoholikov
ID Voglar, Iris (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava področje kakovosti odnosov v primarni družini in doživljanja tesnobe pri odraslih otrocih alkoholikov. Odrasli otroci alkoholikov so po definiciji osebe starejše od 18 let, ki so odraščale v družini s problemom alkoholizma. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljena splošna spoznanja o alkoholizmu in povezava med dimenzijami družinskega življenja in alkoholizmom. Predstavili smo značilnosti alkoholičnega družinskega sistema, vloge otrok v taki družini in njihov čustveni in psihosocialni razvoj. Predstavljene so posledice odraščanja v alkoholični družini in značilnosti odraslih otrok alkoholikov (njihovo doživljanje, razvoj lažnega jaza, prisotnost morebitne odvisnosti …). Posvetili smo se tudi opisu tesnobe in tesnobnih motenj, ki so pogosto prisotne tudi pri odraslih otrocih alkoholikov. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni izsledki raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 532 oseb, starih od 15 do 79 let. Od tega je bilo 454 (85,3 %) žensk in 78 (14,7 %) moških. Vprašalnik je v celoti rešilo 377 udeležencev. Povprečna starost oseb iz vzorca je bila 33,07 let. Med odrasle otroke alkoholikov so se uvrstile kar 303 osebe (74,6 %). Izkazalo se je, da imajo odrasli otroci alkoholikov v primerjavi z otroki staršev nealkoholikov slabšo kakovost odnosov s starši. V otroštvu so doživljali manjšo skrb in večji nadzor staršev, pri njih je prisotne tudi več tesnobe. Pokazal se je tudi trend, da odrasli otroci alkoholikov več pijejo alkoholne pijače kot ostali. Ženske, ki so imele/imajo starše(a) alkoholike(a), so v povprečju dosegle več točk na vprašalniku glede doživljanja tesnobe kot moški, vendar razlike niso statistično pomembne. Pri odraslih otrocih alkoholikov se je potrdila povezanost med doživljanjem tesnobe in kvaliteto odnosov v primarni družini. Opazen je trend, da odrasli otroci alkoholikov, ki so doživljali slabšo kvaliteto odnosov v primarni družini (več pretirane zaščite in manj skrbi), doživljajo višjo stopnjo tesnobe v odraslosti.

Keywords:alkoholizem, alkoholik, družina, odrasli otroci alkoholikov, okrevanje, tesnoba (anksioznost)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101191 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10805763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The Quality of Relationships with Parents in Family-of-Origin and Anxiety among Adult Children of Alcoholics
The master’s thesis considers the quality of relationships in the primary family and the experiencing of anxiety in adult children of alcoholics. Adult children of alcoholics are defined as people (older than 18 years old) that grew up in a family plagued by alcoholism. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis, general findings about alcoholism as well as the connection between dimensions of family life and alcoholism are presented. We introduced the characteristics of an alcoholic family system, children’s roles in such family, and their emotional and psycho-social development. Consequences of growing up in an alcoholic family and characteristics of adult children of alcoholics (their experiences, development of false self, a presence of possible addiction, etc.) are presented as well. We have also focused on describing anxiety and anxiety disorders, which are frequent in adult children of alcoholics. In the empirical part, results of the research which included 532 participants aged from 15 to 79 are presented. 454 (85.3%) of the participants were females and 78 (14.7%) males. 377 participants in total answered the questionnaire. The average age was 33.07. As much as 303 (74.6%) participants were classified as adult children of alcoholics. The results have shown that adult children of alcoholics in comparison with adult children of non-alcoholics have lower quality relationships with their parents. They received less care and were more controlled by their parents during their childhood; moreover, they experienced more anxiety. Furthermore, a trend that adult children of alcoholics drink more alcoholic drinks than the rest also emerged. Women, who have/had an alcoholic parent(s), on average got more scores on the questionnaire about experiencing anxiety than men, however, the difference is not statistically significant. The correlation between experiencing anxiety and the quality of relationships in the primary family with adult children of alcoholics was confirmed. A trend that adult children of alcoholics who experienced lower quality relationships in the primary family (more excessive protection and less care) are experiencing higher level of anxiety in adulthood.

Keywords:alcoholism, alcoholics, family, adult children of alcoholics, recovery, anxiety

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