
Glasovna metoda za opismenjevanje v angleščini kot tujem jeziku
ID Jesenko, Mojca (Author), ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5069/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu so obravnavane podobnosti in razlike med slovenskim in angleškim pisnim sistemom, več načinov branja ter pristopi k poučevanju branja in pisanja v angleščini kot tujem jeziku. Predstavljeni so razlogi za težave pri usvajanju zmožnosti branja in pisanja v angleščini ter sistematični glasovni pristop k opismenjevanju kot mogoča rešitev teh težav. Prilagamo tudi primere obravnave posameznih glasov ter primere dejavnosti za vajo in utrjevanje naučenega. Vpeljava sistematičnega glasovnega pristopa k poučevanju branja in pisanja v angleščini za učence petega razreda osnovne šole, ki imajo težave z usvajanjem zmožnosti branja in pisanja v angleščini kot tujem jeziku, je potekala z evalvacijskim raziskovanjem spomladi 2016. V raziskavi so sodelovali učiteljica angleščine, ki uči ta predmet v petem razredu na naključno izbrani slovenski osnovni šoli, in devet učencev petega razreda osnovne šole, ki jih je učiteljica angleščine identificirala kot učence s težavami z usvajanjem zmožnosti branja in pisanja v angleščini kot tujem jeziku. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali je sistematični glasovni pristop k poučevanju opismenjevanja v angleščini učinkovit za učence petega razreda, ki imajo težave z usvajanjem zmožnosti branja in pisanja v angleščini kot tujem jeziku, ter ali sistematični glasovni pristop k poučevanju opismenjevanja v angleščini tem učencem olajša usvajanje zmožnosti branja in pisanja v angleščini. Poleg tega nas je zanimalo, ali sistematični glasovni pristop k poučevanju opismenjevanja v angleščini prispeva k višji motivaciji učencev za učenje branja in pisanja v angleščini kot tujem jeziku. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bil sistematični glasovni pristop k poučevanju opismenjevanja v angleščini kot tujem jeziku za učence, vključene v raziskavo, učinkovit. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je bil omenjeni pristop k poučevanju opismenjevanja v angleščini kot tujem jeziku bolj učinkovit za učence s slabšo začetno zmožnostjo branja in pisanja v angleščini. Poleg tega je sistematični glasovni pristop k poučevanju opismenjevanja v angleščini učencem, vključenim v raziskavo, olajšal pridobivanje zmožnosti branja in pisanja v angleščini ter pozitivno vplival na njihovo motiviranost za učenje branja in pisanja v tem jeziku. S tem smo dokazali, da je vpeljava sistematičnega glasovnega pristopa k poučevanju branja in pisanja v angleščini kot tujem jeziku smiselna, kadar opazimo, da imajo učenci težave z usvajanjem teh dveh zmožnosti. Lahko pa ga vpeljemo tudi v redni pouk angleščine ter skušamo s tem preprečiti, da bi do težav sploh prišlo.

Keywords:angleščina kot tuji jezik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101186 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11991369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Phonics approach in teaching literacy skills to English foreign language learners
In this master’s thesis, the similarities and differences between Slovenian and English writing system are discussed, as well as different ways of reading and different approaches to teaching reading and writing in English as a foreign language. The causes for the problems regarding the acquisition of skills of reading and writing in English are presented, together with phonics approach to literacy as a possible solution to these problems. We also enclose examples of individual sounds that were discussed and examples of activities for practice and consolidation of knowledge. The introduction of the phonics approach with regards to teaching English reading and writing to 5th grade pupils in an elementary school, that have difficulties with acquisition of reading and writing skills in English as a foreign language, was made with evaluation processing in the spring of 2016. In the research, an English teacher was involved that was teaching English in the 5th grade in a randomly selected Slovenian elementary school, and besides her nine 5th grade pupils of that elementary school, that the teacher identified as pupils with difficulties acquiring reading and writing skills in English as a foreign language. The aim of the research was to find out whether the phonics approach to teaching literacy in English has an effect on 5th grade pupils that have difficulties acquiring reading and writing skills in English as a foreign language and if this phonics approach to teaching literacy in English facilitates acquisitioning reading and writing skills in English for these pupils. Furthermore, we were interested to see whether the phonics approach to teaching literacy in English leads to pupils being more motivated to learn reading and writing in English as a foreign language. The results showed that the phonics approach to teaching literacy in English as a foreign language was effective for the pupils involved in the research. Furthermore, we discovered that the phonics approach to teaching literacy in English as a foreign language was more effective for pupils that had a lower level of reading and writing skills to begin with. Apart from that, the phonics approach to teaching literacy in English as a foreign language made acquiring skills of reading and writing in English easier and thus positively affected their motivation for learning reading and writing in English. So we proved that the introduction of the phonics approach to teaching literacy in English as a foreign language is useful if we notice that the pupils have difficulties with the acquisition of these skills. We can also make it a part of regular English lesson, by which we can make sure that the issue never occurs.

Keywords:English as a foreign language

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