
ID VUČKO BUKOVEC, LIDIJA (Author), ID Aristovnik, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava občine v Pomurju, predvsem analizira majhne občine in uspešnost infrastrukturnih naložb v finančni perspektivi 2007-2013. V Pomurju je od skupno 27 občin 19 manjših občin, ki imajo do 5000 prebivalcev. Vsaka občina mora s svojim delovanjem zagotavljati zakonsko predpisane naloge s finančnimi sredstvi, ki jih ima na razpolago. Pri zagotavljanju pogojev za izgradnjo primerne infrastrukture v posamezni občini pa se občine srečujejo s pomanjkanjem finančnih sredstev. Samo financiranje občin iz proračunskih sredstev države ne zagotavlja zadostnih sredstev za uresničevanje vseh potreb, ki bi si jih prebivalci posamezne občine želeli. V finančni perspektivi 2007-2013 so občine imele izjemno priložnost pri koriščenju nepovratnih sredstev za izgradnjo manjkajoče infrastrukture in da s tem zmanjšajo regionalni razvojni zaostanek Pomurja. Glavni namen je prikazati celovit pogled stanja v pomurskih občinah glede izvajanja projektov, ki se sofinancirajo iz sredstev EU in kako so ta sredstva bila implementirana v infrastrukturne naložbe občin. Največji projekti, sofinancirani iz nepovratnih sredstev EU, so se izvajali skupno, kjer je bilo vključenih več občin Pomurja oziroma vse občine. S povezovanjem občin pri izvedbi projektov so uspele koristiti nepovratna sredstva, ki so jim bila na razpolago v finančni perspektivi 2007-2013. Glede na vse izvedene infrastrukturne naložbe, ki so se izvajale v Pomurju pa občinam ni uspelo zmanjšati regionalnega razvojnega zaostanka v primerjavi z ostalimi regijami v Sloveniji. S primerjavo težav estonskih in pomurskih manjših občin smo ugotovili, da pomurske občine niso imele identične težave pri izvajanju evropskih projektov. Magistrsko delo predstavlja izhodišča za razmišljanje glede sprememb, ki se morajo izvesti v novi finančni perspektivi, da bodo občine pri prijavah na javne razpise uspešne in bodo zgradile vso manjkajočo infrastrukturo in zmanjšale regionalni razvojni zaostanek v Pomurju. Naloga je tudi pripomoček za tiste, ki želijo prejeti informacijo, kaj vse se je v pomurskih občinah zgradilo v pretekli finančni perspektivi, saj imajo vse podatke na enem mestu.

Keywords:občine, nepovratna sredstva EU, projekti, finančna perspektiva 2007-2013, infrastrukturne naložbe, Pomurje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The evaluation of European Cohesion Investments in the Infrastructure of Pomurje Municipalities in the Period 2007-2013
The objective of the master`s thesis is to analyse the municipalities of Pomurje, in particular small municipalities and the effectiveness of investments into infrastructure in the 2007-2013 Financial Perspective. Pomurje is divided into 27 municipalities, 19 of which are categorized as smaller municipalities with up to 5000 inhabitants. With the help of financial resources at its disposal, the municipality has to carry out its statutory duties. The main problem for municipalities is the lack of financial resources when it comes to securing the conditions for the construction of suitable infrastructure in a particular municipality. The financing of municipalities from the state budget alone does not provide sufficient resources to fulfil all the needs of inhabitants from a particular municipality. An excellent opportunity for municipalities to use grants or constructing the lacking infrastructure was provided by the 2007-2013 Financial Perspective. The main goal of this thesis is to take a comprehensive view of the situation in the Pomurje municipalities, with regard in particular to the realisation of projects co-financed by the EU and their implementation in the infrastructural investments of municipalities. The biggest projects co-financed by the EU were implemented jointly and involved several municipalities in Pomurje. By working together on projects, the municipalities managed to effectively use the funds provided in the 2007-2013 Financial Perspective. Furthermore, we have established that the responsibility for those joint projects lay mostly with small municipalities. At the same time, small municipalities in Pomurje were more successful in the drawdown of resources from Structural Funds than larger municipalities. As the recipients of EU support, small municipalities did not need external assistance when applying for calls for tenders and with conducting projects, on the contrary, all small municipalities prepared their applications for call for tenders on their own. By comparing the problems of small municipalities from Estonia and Pomurje, we have established that they did not have identical problems with the implementation of EU projects. The master`s thesis offers a basis for further research on changes that need to be done in the new Financial Perspective if the municipalities want to successfully apply for calls for tenders and build the lacking infrastructure. This thesis offers in one place all the vii necessary information on all newly built buildings in the Pomurje municipalities, for the past Financial Perspective.

Keywords:municipality, drawing of EU funds, infrastructure investment, Financial Perspective, Pomurje.

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