
Modeli naprav FACTS za trifazni izračun pretokov moči z Newton-Raphsonovo metodo : magistrsko delo
ID Suhadolc, Marko (Author), ID Mihalič, Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V nalogi so predstavljeni trifazni modeli naprav FACTS za krmiljenje pretokov moči in tudi modeli osnovnih elementov elektroenergetskih sistemov. Gre za modele, namenjene trifaznim izračunom pretokov moči z Newton-Raphsonovo metodo ter za modele, ki omogočajo analize stacionarnih obratovalnih stanj tako simetričnih kot tudi nesimetričnih trifaznih elektroenergetskih sistemov. Izhodišča za izračune pretokov moči (t.j. princip ravnovesja vozliščnih moči, vozliščna admitančna matrika, bilančne enačbe, tipi vozlišč, per unit sistem ter numerična Newton- Raphsonova metoda) so predstavljena v drugem poglavju tega dela. Matematični modeli osnovnih elementov elektroenergetskih omrežij (vodov, transformatorjev in sinhronskih generatorjev) so predstavljeni v tretjem poglavju. V četrtem poglavju so predstavljeni trifazni ter enofazni napetostni in tokovni modeli vzdolžnih in prečnih vej naprav FACTS. Opisani so osnovni principi delovanja STATCOM, SSSC, IPFC, UPFC in GUPFC. Podrobneje sta opisana napetostni in tokovni model trifaznega statičnega sinhronskega serijskega kompenzatorja (SSSC). V petem poglavju je opisana procedura, ki je napisana v programu Visual Basic, in ki na osnovi podatkov omrežja avtomatsko tvori kodo za izračun pretokov moči s programom Wolfram Mathematica. Na primerih ACHA5, IEEE57, IEEE118 in IEEE300 omrežij je prikazan postopek trifaznega modeliranja. Primerjani so izračuni napetostnih in tokovnih modelov naprav FACTS.

Keywords:elektroenergetski sistem, elektroenergetski vod, elektroenergetsko omrežje, medlinijski regulator pretokov moči, IPFC, napetostni model naprav FACTS, naprave FACTS, Newton-Raphsonova metoda, posplošeni univerzalni prečni transformator, GUPFC, statični kompenzator, STATCOM, statični sinhronski serijski kompenzator, SSSC, tokovni model naprav FACTS, trifazni izračun pretokov moči, univerzalni prečni transformator, UPFC, magisteriji
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Suhadolc]
Number of pages:IV, 125 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101166 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7608148 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.05.2018
SUHADOLC, Marko, 2010, Modeli naprav FACTS za trifazni izračun pretokov moči z Newton-Raphsonovo metodo : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Suhadolc. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:[Models of FACTS devices for three-phase Newton-Raphson power flow calculation purposes]
The thesis presents three-phase models of Flexible AC Transmission System devices, as well as models of basic electric power network's elements. Presented models are designed for three-phase load flow calculations with Newton-Raphson method and enable analysis of symmetric and asymmetric electric power systems in steady state conditions. The bases for calculating load flow are described in chapter 2, i.e. the principle of nodal power balance, nodal admittance matrix, power balance equations, nodal types, per unit system and numerical Newton-Raphson method. Mathematical models of transmission lines, transformers and synchronous generators are described in chapter 3. In chapter 4 threephase models, as well as one-phase voltage in current models of series and parallel branch of FACTS devices are presented. In addition, basic STATCOM, SSSC, IPFC, UPFC and GUPFC principles are given, and a three-phase Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is described in detail, i.e. voltage and current models. In chapter 5 Visual Basic procedure for automatic code generation, made upon network data and designed for loadflow calculation with Wolfram Mathematica program, is described. The procedure of three-phase modelling is shown on ACHA5, IEEE57, IEEE118 and IEEE300 testing networks and calculations of voltage models of FACTS devices are compared with those of current models.

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