
Poškodbe v floorballu : raziskovalno delo
ID Vehar, Estera (Author), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Floorball je mlad dvoranski šport, ki v zadnjih letih pridobiva na priljubljenosti v svetovnim merilu. Kljub temu da grob kontakt s telesom ni dovoljen, je z razvojem športa igra s telesom postala sestavni del igre. Floorball zaznamujejo tudi hitra pospeševanja, zaviranja in spremembe smeri, zaradi česar pogosto prihaja do poškodb, predvsem kolen in gležnjev. Zaradi mladosti samega športa obstaja malo epidemioloških študij, ki so preučevale poškodbe v floorballu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti pojavnost in razširjenost poškodb v floorballu v Sloveniji in ugotoviti razlike med spoloma. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 115 igralcev in igralk floorballa, ki so v sezoni 2015/16 nastopali v Prvi slovenski floorball ligi. Za pridobivanje podatkov je bil uporabljen vprašalnik, sestavljen za namen raziskave. Rezultati: V rednem delu tekmovalne sezone od septembra 2015 do marca 2016 je 55 od skupno 115 igralcev (47,8 %) utrpelo 74 poškodb, od tega 36 % (18/50) žensk in 57 % (37/65) moških. Incidenca poškodb, izražena na 1000 ur obremenitve, je bila višja na tekmah (40,00) kot na treningih (1,96) pri obeh spolih. Polovica vseh poškodb je bila po težavnosti stopnje I. Največji delež poškodb so pri obeh spolih predstavljale akutne poškodbe (59,5 %). Poškodbe sklepov (51,4 %) in mišic (33,8 %) sta predstavljali največji delež poškodb glede na vrsto poškodovanega tkiva pri obeh spolih. Zvin je bil najpogostejši vzrok poškodbe (33,8 %), največkrat poškodovani del telesa je bil spodnji ud (77 %), med katerimi so poškodbe gležnja (27 %) in kolena (24,3 %) predstavljale največ poškodb. Najpogostejša vzroka akutnih poškodb sta bila nenaden gib in kontakt z nasprotnikom pri obeh spolih (29,5 %). Polovica akutnih poškodb se je zgodila v igri brez kontakta. Večinski delež poškodb pri moških se je zgodila na tekmi (41,7 %), medtem ko je bil delež poškodb na treningih in tekmah pri ženskah enak (34,6 %). Razprava in sklep: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je pojavnost poškodb v floorballu v Sloveniji, predvsem na tekmah, visoka. Največ akutnih poškodb predstavljajo poškodbe kolen in gležnjev, kjer prevladuje nekontaktni mehanizem poškodbe. Nezanemarljiv pa je tudi delež kroničnih poškodb, na kar opozarjajo tudi avtorji v novejših raziskavah.

Keywords:floorball, poškodbe v floorballu, športne poškodbe, incidenca poškodb v floorballu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101150 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5426795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Injuries in floorball : research work
Introduction: Floorball is a new indoor sport, which is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. Rough body contact is not allowed, but with evolution of sport in recent years, body contacts with an opponent become part of the game. Floorball is also associated with sudden acceleration, stops and turns, which is the reason of many injuries, mainly involving knees and ankles. Due to its short existence, there are only few studies that have investigated injuries in floorball. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of injuries in Slovenian floorball and to identify differences between male and female players. Methods: 115 licensed male and female floorball players from Slovenian top floorball league in season 2015/16 participated in this study. Structured questionnaire designed for the purpose of this study was used for collecting data. Results: During the study period from September 2015 to March 2016, 55 out of 115 (47.8 %) players sustained 74 injuries, of which 36 %. (18/50) occurred to female and 57 % (37/65) to male players. The injury incidence was higher during matches (40.00 per 1000 game hours) than during trainings (1.96 per 1000 training hours) for both sexes. Half of all injuries by severity scale were level I. Acute injuries were the most common (59.5 %) in both sexes. Injuries of joints (51.4 %) and muscles (33.8 %) were the most common in both sexes. The most common injury type was joint sprain (33.8 %). The most commonly injured body part was lower limb (77 %), of which ankles (27 %) and knees (24.3 %) were the most commonly injured. The most common causes of acute injures were sudden move and contact with opponent in both sexes (29,5 %). Half of all acute injuries happened in non-contact situations. The majority of injuries in males occurred during matches (41.7 %). In female players, the percentage of injures that occurred during matches and trainings was the same (34.6 %). Discussion and conclusion: The results of this study show that injury incidence in floorball in Slovenia is high, especially during matches. Acute injuries, from which knees and ankles are the most commonly injured body sites, mostly occur in non-contact situations. However, the study also shows high presence of chronic injuries in floorball, what is in line with other newer studies of floorball injuries.

Keywords:floorball, injuries in floorball, sports injuries, injury incidence in floorball

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