
Prenova grafičnih rešitev Kozjanskega regijskega parka na podlagi primerjave in ocenitve že obstoječih
ID Plahuta, Elena (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dandanes se ljudje vedno bolj zavedajo pomena naravnih bogastev, ki bogatijo in oblikujejo naš življenjski prostor. Kozjanski regijski park se ponaša z bogato kulturno in naravno dediščino, ki si jo je vredno ogledati v živo. Na stopnjo obiskanosti in ozaveščenosti o teh naravnih bogastvih pomembno vpliva grafična podoba parka, saj preko nje odraža svojo identiteto, strategije in vizijo ter tako privablja in komunicira s svojimi potencialnimi obiskovalci zunaj svojih meja. Namen diplomskega dela je bilo preučiti oz. oceniti obstoječo celostno grafično podobo (CGP) parka, barvne kombinacije in tipografijo obstoječega logotipa ter prenoviti obstoječo tiskovino zloženke za Grusko jamo, učnih delovnih listov za naravoslovne dni ter informativno gradivo za naravoslovne tabore (plakat). V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo definirali pojem celostne grafične podobe in njen glavni element (logotip). Podrobneje smo raziskali področje tipografije in v povezavi z njo čitljivost ter berljivost. Opredelili smo tudi pomen barv pri oblikovanju. V eksperimentalnem delu smo izvedli prenovo obstoječih tiskovin parka v Adobovih programih ter nato z metodo sledenje očesnim premikom preverili uspešnost te prenove. Obstoječo celostno grafično podobo (CGP) parka, barvne kombinacije logotipov in pripadajočo tipografijo (z logotipom ali brez) smo prav tako testirali z metodo sledenja očesnim premikom. Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo pridobili podatke o splošni razgledanosti ljudi o regijskih parkih in poleg tega še subjektivne rezultate o barvnih kombinacijah logotipov in pripadajoče tipografije. S pomočjo ankete smo prišli do zaključkov, da so regijski parki obiskani parki – najbolj Regijski park Škocjanske jame. Toda najbolj prepoznaven logotip parkov je logotip Kozjanskega regijskega parka. Rezultati o barvnih kombinacijah logotipov in pripadajoče tipografije so bili neuporabni, zato smo to v nadaljevanju preverjali z objektivno metodo, sledenjem očesnim premikom. Rezultati metode sledenje očesnim premikom so pokazali pozitivne rezultate prenovljenih tiskovin. Pri testiranju pisav brez logotipa so testiranci izbrali pisavo na podlagi črk j in z. Rezultati testiranja določene barvne kombinacije logotipa z različno pripadajočo tipografijo so pokazali, da barva logotipa ne vpliva na izbor tipografije. Pri testiranju različnih barvnih serij logotipov so bili med odgovori največkrat izbrani tisti, ki so pritegnili največjo interesno pozornost testirančevih oči.

Keywords:barva, berljivost, celostna grafična podoba, čitljivost, grafično oblikovanje, logotip, očesni premiki, tipografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101144 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.05.2018
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Title:Renovation of regional park Kozjansko according to the comparison of existing solution
Nowadays, people are increasingly more aware of natural resources which enrich and form our living space. Kozjansko Regional Park boasts with rich cultural and natural heritage which is worth to see live. Graphic identity of the park importantly influences the level of visits and awareness of these natural riches. Through it, the park reflects its identity, strategies, and vision and thus attracts and communicates with its potential visitors outside of its boundaries. The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis was to study and evaluate the existing integral graphic identity (IGI) of the park, color combinations, and the typography of the existing logotype, as well as to renovate the existing printed matter for the Gruska Cave, the learning worksheets for natural science days, and the information materials for natural science camps (the poster). In the theoretical part of the bachelor’s thesis, we defined the concept of the integral graphic identity and its main element (the logotype). In more detail, we researched the field of typography, and legibility and readability respectively. We also defined the significance of colors in designing. In the experimental part, we performed a renovation of the existing printed matters of the park in the Adobe’s programs. Then, we verified the successfulness of the renovation by the eye tracking method. We also tested the existing integral graphic identity (IGI) of the park, color combinations of logotypes, and the corresponding typography (with or without the logotype) by the eye tracking method. By survey questionnaire, we acquired data on general knowledge of people on regional parks, and, in addition, on the subjective results on color combinations of logotypes and the corresponding typographies. We came to conclusions by means of the survey that regional parks are well-visited parks – Škocjan Caves Regional Park is the most visited. However, the most recognizable logotype of the parks is the logotype of Kozjansko Regional Park. The results on color combinations of logotypes and the corresponding typographies were useless. Therefore, in continuation, we made the checks by an objective method, the eye tracking method. The results of the eye tracking method showed some positive results of the renovated printed matters. When testing the scripts without the logotype, the testees chose the script on the basis of the letters j and z. The results of the testing of a certain color combination of the logotype with the various corresponding typography showed that the color of the logotype does not influence the selection of the typography. When testing various color series of the logotypes the selected answers were on most occasions those which attracted the greatest attention of the testee’s eyes.

Keywords:colors, readability, integral graphic identity, legibility, graphic design, logotype, eye movements, typography

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