
Lasersko varjenje segmentov statorskega jedra elektromotorja
ID Stibilj, Anej (Author), ID Tušek, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je obravnavano talilno varjenje segmentov statorskega jedra elektromotorja z laserjem Nd:YAG in vlakenskim laserjem. Cilj naloge je bila izbira optimalnih varilnih parametrov, s katerimi lahko ob zadostni trdnosti zvarnih spojev dosežemo minimalni samodržni vrtilni moment elektromotorjev. Teoretičen del naloge obravnava teoretične osnove o enosmernem brezkrtačnem elektromotorju, njegovi zgradbi in delovanju ter karakteristikah, pregled literature varjenja lamel statorskega paketa in opis teoretičnih osnov laserja in laserskega varjenja. Eksperimentalni del vključuje opis osnovnega materiala za spajanje in zgradbo statorskega jedra, opis varilne opreme in izbire varilnih parametrov ter opis preizkusov in preiskav za kvantitativno ovrednotenje in primerjavo kakovosti zvarnih spojev in samodržnega vrtilnega momenta elektromotorja. Na podlagi analize rezultatov preliminarnega testa, mehanskega preizkusa, metalografske preiskave makroobrusov, meritev trdote zvarnih spojev in samodržnega vrtilnega momenta ter glede na minimalno količino vnesene energije na dolžino zvara so bili določeni optimalni varilni parametri za varjenje segmentov statorskega jedra elektromotorja. Rezultati meritev samodržnega vrtilnega momenta so pokazali, da je vpliv varjenja oziroma varilnih parametrov na samodržni vrtilni moment zanemarljivo majhen.

Keywords:lasersko varjenje laser Nd:YAG vlakenski laser varilni parametri segmentno statorsko jedro elektropločevina samodržni vrtilni moment porušitvena mehanska sila
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101133 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.04.2018
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Title:Laser welding of segments of electric motor stator core
Master's thesis discusses the welding of segments of electric motor stator core with Nd:YAG and fiber laser. The goal of research was selection of optimal welding parametrs with wich we can reach sufficient mechanical strength of welded joints with minimal cogging torque of electric motor. In theoretical part is described the theory basis about brushless direct current electric motor, its construction, operation and characteristics. Then is presented literature overview about welding of laminated stator core and theory basis about laser and laser welding. Experimental work contains descriptions of welded material and construction of stator core, descriptions of welding equipment and selection of welding parametrs and description of researches for quantitative evaluation and comparsion of welded joints quality and cogging torque of electric motor. Based on results of preliminary test, mechanical test, metallographic examination, hardness measurements and cogging torque measuremets and minimal input energy per unit length of weld the optimal welding parametrs for welding of segments of electric motor stator core are selected. The results of cogging torque measurements showed that the influence of the welding parametrs on cogging torque are negligible.

Keywords:laser welding Nd:YAG laser fiber laser welding parameters segmented stator core electrical steel sheet cogging torque destructive mechanical force

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