
Stališča vzgojiteljev do področja matematika v Kurikulumu za vrtce : magistrsko delo
ID Toplak Primc, Maja (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5056/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo obravnava stališča vzgojiteljev do vsebin v Kurikulumu za vrtce v okviru področja matematika z vidika načrtovanja in dokumenta, kot vira za kakovostno delovanje v praksi. Kurikulum za vrtce je nacionalni dokument za delo v vrtcih, ki je bil od izida leta 1999 do 2001 postopno uvajan v vrtce. Od tega bosta minili kmalu dve desetletji, v tem času pa je prišlo tudi do sprememb na področju formalnega izobraževanja vzgojiteljev (bolonjska prenova) in pestre ponudbe neformalnega izobraževanja strokovnih delavcev. Poleg tega se v vrtcih zaposlujejo vzgojitelji, ki so končali enoletni študijski program za izpopolnjevanje iz predšolske vzgoje ali magistrski študij iz predšolske vzgoje. Slednje privede do različnih znanj o razvoju in učenju predšolskega otroka, s čimer lahko povezujemo tudi načrtovanje ciljev oz. dejavnosti s področja matematike ter interpretacijo ciljev. Empirični del omogoča vpogled v stališča vzgojiteljev do področja matematike v dokumentu Kurikulum za vrtce iz leta 1999. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 100 vzgojiteljev iz različnih regij v Sloveniji. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval lestvico stališč in vprašanja odrtega tipa. Z raziskavo ugotavljamo, da vzgojitelji v večini za načrtovanje dejavnosti s področja matematika uporabljajo Kurikulum za vrtce. Večina anketiranih vzgojiteljev meni, da je dokument še vedno primeren za načrtovanje, vzgojitelji so podali tudi nekatere predloge za morebitno prenovo dokumenta. Rezultati interpretiranja globalnih ciljev s strani vzgojiteljev kažejo na problem razumevanja globalnih ciljev, na drugi strani pa vzgojitelji visoko ocenjujejo svojo strokovno usposobljenost.

Keywords:kurikulum za vrtce, predšolski otrok, učenje matematike
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Toplak Primc]
Number of pages:95 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100952 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11983433 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool teachers' views on mathematics in the preschool Curriculum
The master thesis deals with the views of preschool teachers about the contents of the Curriculum for preschool education in the field of mathematics in terms of planning and considering the document as a source of quality work in practice. The Curriculum for preschool education is a national document for working in kindergartens, which has gradually been introduced to kindergartens from 1999 to 2001. Two decades will soon pass, and at that time there were also changes in the field of formal education of preschool teachers (Bologna renewal) and a wide range of non-formal education of professionals. Kindergartens employ preschool teachers who have completed a three years study program for preschool education or master study in pre-school education. Different qualification relating to the study program preschool teachers have completed can lead to different understanding of development and learning of a preschool child and consequently also different planning and interpreting goals in the field of early learning of mathematics.The empirical part allows insight into the views of preschool teachers to the field of mathematics in the Curriculum for preschool education. The study involved 100 preschool teachers from different regions in Slovenia. Data were collected with the help of a questionnaire containing a scale of views and questions of an open type. The survey found out that preschool teachers for planning mathematical activities mostly use the Curriculum for preschool education. Most respondents believe that the document is still suitable for planning, and preschool teachers have also made some suggestions for a possible renewal of the document. Results of interpreting global goals by preschool teachers indicate a problem of understanding global goals despite the fact that the kindergarten teachers also highly assess their professional competence.

Keywords:mathematics, pre-school education, curriculum, matematika, predšolska vzgoja, kurikulum

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