
Med besedilom in vizualno podprto pripovedjo : primerjava pravljice in risanke
ID Bahorič, Sabina (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5053/ This link opens in a new window

Namen magistrske naloge je v teoretičnem delu podrobneje opredeliti pravljice in njihovo zgodovino, predstaviti njihov pomen in vpliv na otroke in na njihovo domišljijo. Dodali smo tudi poglavje o branju, kjer pišemo o vzgajanju bralcev, bralnem razvoju ter o pomenu branja. Velik del je namenjen tudi risankam oziroma animiranim filmom, ki smo jih opredelili in predstavili njihovo zgodovino. Pisali smo o tem, kakšno vlogo imajo v vzgojno-izobraževalnem sistemu, kako se spreminja književnost v času prevlade medijev ter kakšne in katere sploh so animacijske tehnike. Na koncu smo se dotaknili tudi učnega načrta za slovenščino ter učnih pristopov, ki jih kot učitelji lahko uporabimo pri obravnavi pravljic pri pouku. V raziskovalnem delu je bil naš namen izvedeti, kakšen odnos imajo učenci tretjega razreda do branja in gledanja risank, zanimalo nas je, če risanke zavirajo njihove domišljijske predstave ter ali se pojavljajo vsebinske razlike med obravnavano pravljico iz literarnega besedila in njeno vizualno podprto pripovedjo. Skupaj z učenci smo izdelali tudi odlomek risanke iz pravljice, ki smo jo obravnavali. Pri raziskavi je sodelovalo 26 učencev 3. d oddelka Osnovne šole Vič: 14 učencev in 12 učenk. Anketni vprašalnik smo analizirali z računalniškim programom SPSS, rezultate o domišljijskih predstavah smo pridobili s primerjanjem ilustracij učencev, animirani film pa smo uredili s pomočjo programa Filmora. Ugotovili smo, da učenci v povprečju doma berejo večkrat na teden, risanke pa gledajo vsak dan, da je bilo posledično od šestindvajsetih učencev triindvajset takšnih, ki si raje ogledajo risanko, namesto da poslušajo literarno besedilo, ter da si je od vseh anketiranih le eden znal predstavljati, kako se izdela animirani film. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da risanke zavirajo razvoj domišljijskih predstav učencev.

Keywords:mediji, animirani filmi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[S. Bahorič]
Number of pages:62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100904 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11980361 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Literary text and visually supported narrative: comparison of fairy tales and cartoons
The purpose of the Master’s Thesis is to minutely define fairy tales and their history in the theoretical part, as well to present their significance and influence on children and on their imagination. We also added a chapter on reading, where we write about how to raise children into readers, reading development and about the importance of reading. An extensive part is also intended for cartoons or animated films that we defined and presented their history. We wrote about the role they have in education system, how literature is changing at the time of media domination and what kind and which exactly the animation techniques are. In the end we also mentioned the curriculum for Slovenian language and teaching approaches, which can be used by teachers while teaching about fairy tales. In the empirical part we were interested in the attitude that third grade pupils have to reading and watching cartoons, our intention was also to find out, if cartoons inhibit their imaginative images and if there are content differences between fairy tale in a form of literary text and it’s visually supported narrative. Together with pupils we have also made an excerpt of the discussed cartoon. The research involved 26 pupils of the 3rd grade of primary school Vič (14 boys and 12 girls). The questionnaires were processed in the SPSS program for statistical analysis, the results of imaginative images were obtained by comparing pupil’s illustrations, and we edited the animated film in program Filmora. We came to the conclusion that on average pupils read at home several times per week, while they watch cartoons every day, therefore twenty-three of twenty-six pupils prefer to watch a cartoon instead of listening to a literary text and only one of the respondents was able to imagine how to create an animated film. We can also conclude that cartoons inhibit the development of pupil’s imaginative images.

Keywords:fairy tale, cartoons, reading, imagination, pravljica, risanke, branje, domišljija

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