
Omogočanje soudeležbe otrok v razvojnih oddelkih slovenskih vrtcev pri prehranjevanju in počitku : magistrsko delo
ID Janet, Neja (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jerman, Janez (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5052/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo je osredotočeno na ravnanja in vedenja strokovnih delavcev – vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljic na področju omogočanja soudeležbe otrok pri prehranjevanju in počitku v razvojnih oddelkih vrtcev, kjer se izvaja prilagojeni program za predšolske otroke. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili zastopanost načela soudeležbe v Kurikulumu za prilagojene programe predšolske vzgoje. Enako načelo smo nadalje poiskali v členih Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah, ki posredno nakazujejo na otrokovo možnost izbire, odločanja in soudeležbe. Na podlagi literature smo orisali različne poglede strokovnih delavcev na soudeležbo predšolskih otrok v dejavnostih prehranjevanja in počitka ter poiskali dejavnike, ki pri njihovem delu vplivajo na omogočanje soudeležbe otrok. Med poglavji je omenjena kakovost dela v vrtcu, ki je skupek več dejavnikov. Med drugim nanjo vpliva tudi omogočanje soudeležbe otrok. Izpostavili smo pomembnost delovne samoevalvacije strokovnih delavcev. Tega načina zbiranja podatkov smo se poslužili v drugem delu empiričnega dela magistrskega dela. Za namene raziskave smo izdelali kontrolno listo, s pomočjo katere smo v času vključenosti označevali prisotnost oziroma odsotnost določenih ravnanj strokovnih delavcev v času opravljanja rutinskih dejavnosti v skupini otrok. V vzorec je bilo zajetih 15 slovenskih razvojnih oddelkov vrtcev, torej 15 vzgojiteljic in 15 pomočnic vzgojiteljic. Dobljeni rezultati so statistično obdelani, zbrani podatki pa predstavljeni tabelarno in opisno. Ugotovili smo, da na raziskovanih področjih ne obstajajo pomembne razlike med ravnanji vzgojiteljic in ravnanji pomočnic vzgojiteljic. Podobno tudi ni bilo zaznati statistično pomembnih razlik med izsledki našega opazovanja in samoporočanji strokovnih delavk preko vprašalnika. Razlike, ki so se pokazale, smo interpretirali na podlagi odstotkovnih vrednosti in posameznih situacij, ki so bile med opažanji zabeležene. Rezultati kažejo, da je glede na prepričanja pridobljena preko vprašalnika soudeležba otrok višja, kot je bilo o tem možno sklepati preko izsledkov opazovanja v oddelkih. Strokovne delavke so izpostavile nekatere spremembe, ki bi bile po njihovem mnenju potrebne za izboljšanje soudeležbe otrok pri obrokih in počitku. Večinoma so omenjale pomembnost sočasnosti obeh delavk v času hranjenja in umirjanja otrok med počitkom kot tudi nekatere materialne pogoje, ki jih pri svojem delu pogrešajo. Nerazumevanje potreb otrok, vključenih v prilagojeni program za predšolske otroke, med ostalim strokovnim, vodstvenim in tehničnim kadrom vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov, kjer se le-ta izvaja, je prav tako ena izmed ovir na poti do boljše soudeležbe. Predloge izboljšav smo zbrali v obliki priporočil za povečanje omogočanja soudeležbe otrokom v razvojnih oddelkih vrtcev. Ob zaključku raziskave smo jih poslali v vse sodelujoče vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove.

Keywords:soudeležba, možnost izbire, prilagojen program za predšolske otroke, razvojni oddelek, rutinske dejavnosti, prehranjevanje, počitek, vzgojiteljice, pomočnice vzgojiteljic
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Janet]
Number of pages:IX, 80 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100875 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11974217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Enabling the child participation in eating and resting in Slovenian preschools for children with special needs
The focus of my master's thesis work is the activities undertaken by early-childhood education professionals; early-childhood education teachers and early-childhood education assistants in relation to including children in selecting the activities connected to meal times and rest time in special needs pre-school classes with a specialist programme for pre-school children. The theoretical part of the thesis covers the implementation of the principle of active participation in the Curriculum of specialist early-childhood education programmes. The same principle was also searched in the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which indirectly point at children having the option to choose, decide and participate. Based on the literature review the thesis presents different views of early-childhood education professionals in terms of including pre-school children in activites related to meal times and rest time, and looked for factors that influence children's participation. The thesis also mentions the quality of work in kindergartens, which is the result of several factors including children's participation. I focused on the significance of work self-evaluation by early-childhood education professionals, which served as a manner of collecting data in the second, empirical part of the master's thesis work. A control list was drawn for research purposes in order to record the presence or absence of certain actions during the time of research as conducted by the early-childhood education professionals during routine activities in a group of children. The research sample included 15 Slovene special needs pre-school classes, hence 15 pre-school teachers and 15 pre-school teacher assistants. The results were then statistically processed, presented in a table and described. It has been found that there were no significant differences between the actions of the pre-school teachers and pre-school teacher assistants. Similarly, no statistically significant differences were found between the results gathered during observations and self-reported accounts of the early-childhood education professionals. The differences that occurred were interpreted on the basis of percentage values and individual situations that were recorded during observations. The results have shown that according to the opinions obtained with a questionnaire, the children's participation is higher than it was possible to speculate during observations. Early-childhood education professionals emphasised some changes that they thought were needed to improve the participation of children in meal times and rest time activities. Mostly, presence of both professionals at meal times and calming-down time as being significant was mentioned, as well as some requirements of material nature that they missed in their work. One of the obstacles inhibiting better participation of children is also poor understanding of the needs of the children included in the specialist early-childhood programme of other professionals, the management and technical staff at educational institutions that offer this programme. The suggestions for improvements were collected as recommendations to improve active participation of children in special needs pre-school classes. Finally, these recommendations were sent to all the participating education institutions.

Keywords:participation, pre-school child, backward child, soodločanje, predšolski otrok, otrok s posebnimi potrebami

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