
Ekonomska analiza oskrbe konj na kmetiji Pleše
ID Gantar, Nataša (Author), ID Žgajnar, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomskega dela smo analizirali konkretno kmetijsko gospodarstvo z območja tolminskega na katerem si z razširitvijo primarne dejavnosti želijo omogočiti zaposlitev dodatne delovne sile. Pri tem smo analizirali možnost razširitve na konjeniško dejavnost. Analizirali smo dva različna scenarija in sicer pri prvem, da bi se kmetijsko gospodarstvo ukvarjalo zgolj z oskrbo konj in drugim, kjer bi ponudbo razširili še na šolo jahanja. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da bi zgolj z oskrbo konj ob polni zasedenosti kapacitet lahko zagotovili delno zaposlitev polne delovne moči, med tem ko bi s šolo jahanja ob predvidnem povpraševanju zagotovili dovolj prihodkov za kritje polne zaposlitve pri čemer bi bilo potrebno najti tudi dodatno ustrezno kvalificirano delovno silo. V primeru, da bi šlo zgolj za oskrbo konj se donosnost takšne investicije giblje med 5,47 in 13,92 %. S šolo jahanja pa se ob predvidenem povpraševanju ta giblje med 3,17 in 19,68 % odvisno od tega kakšen je obseg povpraševanja po danih storitvah.

Keywords:konjereja, konji, oskrba, ekonomika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100839 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4067976 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Economic analysis of horse livery on the farm Pleše
Within the thesis we analysed concrete agricultural holding from Tolmin area where they want to expand the primary activity enabling additional workforce employment. For this purpose, we analysed the possibility of including also equestrian activities into business plan. We analysed two different scenarios. In the first scenario we anticipate that the agricultural holding would deal with the horse livery, while in the second scenario where they would extend the offer also to the riding school. On the basis of the obtained results we can conclude that with horse livery with full occupancy of the capacities we could provide partial employment of full time, while with the riding school, with the expected demand, they would have enough income to cover full employment, and it would be necessary to find also additional adequately skilled workforce. The profitability of such an investment in the case that it was only for the horse livery, ranges between 5.47 and 13.92 %. With the riding school, however, with the expected demand, it ranges between 3.17 and 19.68 %, depending on the volume of demand for given services.

Keywords:horse breeding, horse livery, economic analysis

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