
Psihološka priprava v konjeništvu : diplomsko delo
ID Žilnik, Saša (Author), ID Kajtna, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Psihološka priprava predstavlja pomemben del priprave športnika na doseganje uspešnih rezultatov na tekmovanjih, vendar je pogosto premalo poudarjena. Konjeniški šport poteka individualno, vendar med tekmo ne nastopa posameznik sam, ampak s konjem, živaljo s svojo glavo in mislimi. Jahači se morajo zavedati, da se njihovo psihično stanje projicira tudi na konja, ki je občutljiv na dražljaje, ki jih oddaja človek in okolica. Tekmovalci konjeniškega športa morajo znati obvladovati svoja čustva in počutje, pri čemer jim najbolje pomaga sodelovanje s športnim psihologom. Trenerji in tekmovalci se morajo zavedati, da je za uspeh poleg fizične priprave, pomembna tudi psihična. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali psihološko pripravo jahačev v konjeniškem športu. Namen dela je bil ugotoviti poznavanje in odnos do športne psihologije ter uporaba psihološke priprave med jahači, ki predstavlja pomemben sestavni del trenažnega procesa. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, katere psihološke tehnike in metode poznajo ter tudi uporabljajo tekmovalci preskakovanja ovir s konji in v dresurnem jahanju. Podobne raziskave na področju konjeništva še ni bilo narejene, do sedaj so bile proučevane samo psihološke priprave v drugih športih. Podatke za raziskavo smo pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, razdeljenega 40 aktivnim tekmovalcem v konjeništvu iz različnih slovenskih klubov. Odgovarjali so na vprašanja s področja športne psihologije in psihološke priprave v svojem športnem udejstvovanju. Rezultati študije so bili nato analizirani v programu SPSS, ugotovili pa smo, da ni razlik v psihološki pripravi glede na spol tekmovalca. Prav tako lahko sklepamo, da v konjeništvu ni dobrega poznavanja športne psihologije. Na podlagi teh rezultatov smo potrdili prvo in drugo hipotezo. Opaziti je, da večina anketiranih tekmovalcev še ni sodelovala s športnim psihologom ter pred tekmovalnim nastopom ne opravi posebnega rituala, zato smo zavrnili tretjo in četrto hipotezo. Raziskava je pokazala, da je uporaba psihološke priprave v konjeniškem športu slabo razširjena in v prihodnje izboljšanje tega omogoča doseganje uspešnejših rezultatov.

Keywords:psihološka priprava, konjeništvo, jahanje, psihologija športa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100835 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5335985 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Mental training in equestrian sport
Mental training is an important part of preparing an athlete to achieve successful results in competitions, but is often under-emphasized. Equestrian sport is an individual sport, but during the competition, the athlete is not alone, but is competing with a horse, an animal with his own mind and thoughts. The riders must be aware that their psychic state is also projected on a horse, which is sensitive to the stimuli that are emitted by the man and in the environment. Athletes in equestrianism must know how to control their feelings and well-being, a sports psychologist can help them best with that. Coaches and competitors must be aware that mental training is as important as physical preparation in the training process. In the research we studied the psychological preparation of riders in equestrian sport. The aim was to determine the prevalence and attitude towards sports psychology and the use of mental training among riders, which represents an important component of the training process. We were primarily interested in what psychological techniques and methods are known and also used by competitors in show jumping and in dressage riding. Similar studies in the field of horse riding have not yet been made, so far only psychological preparations in other sports have been studied. We obtained data for the research using a survey questionnaire. The sample included 40 active riding competitors from different Slovenian clubs. They answered questions in the field of sports psychology and psychological preparation in their sporting activities. The results of the study were then analyzed in the SPSS program. We discovered that there are no differences in psychological preparations between men and women competitors. We can also conclude that there is not a lot of knowledge of sports psychology in equestrianism. The results confirmed the first and second hypothesis. It is noticeable, that most of the surveyed competitors have not yet cooperated with a sports psychologist and do not perform a special ritual before the competition, which is why the third and fourth hypothesis were denied. The research showed that the use of psychological preparation in equestrian sport is poorly widespread, and in the future, improving that would provide more successful results.

Keywords:mental training, equestrianism, horse riding, sport psychology

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