
Učinek manualne terapije hrbtenice na simpatični živčni sistem : pregled literature
ID Juričan, Liza (Author), ID Hlebš, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ipavec, Matej (Comentor)

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Uvod: Bolečina v hrbtenici je eden vodilnih razlogov za izostanek z dela, kar predstavlja velik socialno-ekonomski problem. Razlogov je lahko več in se razlikujejo od posameznika do posameznika. Vplivajo individualne lastnosti, poklic in preživljanje prostega časa; dokaj nizek odstotek je tistih z rakavimi obolenji in zlomi. Zdravljenje se razlikuje med terapevti, a kot najuspešnejši je predstavljen multidisciplinarni pristop. Slednji vsebuje vadbo, edukacijo, instrumentalno terapijo in manualne tehnike. Le-te ne vplivajo samo na mišično skeletne strukture, ampak tudi na živčni sistem. Po mnenju avtorjev z manipulacijo bolečini preprečimo prenos in s tem bistveno izboljšamo funkcijo, pri čemer sodeluje simpatični živčni sistem. Namen: Želeli smo raziskati in predstaviti strokovno literaturo na področju vpliva manualne terapije na simpatični živčni sistem. Metode dela: V podatkovnih bazah, dostopnih na spletu, smo zbrali sedem primernih študij, ki so proučevale aktivnost simpatičnega živčnega sistema ob aplikaciji manualnih tehnik. Vse so morale vsebovati randomizirane kontrolirane poizkuse na preiskovancih in niso smele biti starejše od 2010. Rezultati: Vse vključene študije so dokazale odziv simpatičnega živčnega sistema med izvajanjem manualne terapije, niso pa vse dokazale večje učinkovitosti od placeba. V dveh študijah so primerjali Maitlandov in McKenzijev pristop in v obeh je slednji dosegel za polovico slabše rezultate. Študija, ki je izvedla terapijo na simptomatskih posameznikih, je dosegla večji odziv simpatičnega živčnega sistema. Razprava in sklep: Glede na spremembo vzdraženosti kože pri placebo skupinah lahko že samo dotik povzroči simpatični odziv, a manjši kot pri interventnih skupinah. Študije, ki so uporabile pristope z oscilacijami, so dosegle boljše rezultate od tistih brez. Izmed zbranih študij se je za najbolj učinkovitega izkazal Maitlandov pristop pri preiskovancih z bolečinami v hrbtenici, najnižji rezultat je bil pri mobilizaciji III. stopnje v področju vratne hrbtenice. Da je odziv na dražljaj specifičen za stran telesa, se je izkazalo v treh izmed štirih študij, ker je bil odziv simpatičnega živčnega sistema enkrat večji na strani mobilizacije.

Keywords:bolečine v hrbtenici, fizioterapija, manualna terapija, manipulacija, mobilizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100800 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5426539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of spinal manual therapy on the sympathetic nervous system : literature review
Introduction: Spinal pain is one of the leading reasons for the absence from work, which is a major socio-economic problem. There are several reasons which vary from person to person. The main factors are individual characteristics, occupation and leisure time activities; a fairly low share are those with cancer and fractures. Treatment differs among therapists, but the most effective is the presnted multidisciplinary approach. This approach includes exercise, education, instrumental therapy and manual techniques. The latter not only affect the muscular skeletal structures but also the nervous system. According to the authors, the manipulation prevents the pain to transfer and thus significantly improves the function, whereby the sympathetic nervous system participates. Purpose: The aim was to research and present state-of-the-art literature and research in the field of the impact of manual therapy on the sympathetic nervous system. Methods: We have selected seven suitable studies in the online available databases, which have studied the activity of the sympathetic nervous system when manual techniques are applied. The studies needed to use randomized controlled experiments on subjects and should not have been older than 2010. Results: All of the studies have confirmed a response of the sympathetic nervous system response during manual therapy, but did not demonstrate greater efficacy than placebo. Two of seven studies have compared the Maitland and McKenzie approach and in both the latter achieved worse results by half. The second study, which performed therapy on individuals with symptoms, achieved a better response of the sympathetic nervous system. Discussion and conclusion: Depending on the change in skin irritation in placebo groups, the touch itself can lead to a sympathetic response, but less than in intervention groups. Studies using oscillation approaches have achieved better results than those without. Within the chosen studies, the most effective was the Maitland approach in subjects with back pain and the lowest score was when mobilizing the III stage in the area of the cervical spine. Three out of four studies have shown that the response to stimulus is specific to the side of the body, as the response of the sympathetic nervous system was expressed twice more on the side of the mobilization.

Keywords:spine pain, physiotherapy, manual therapy, manipulation, mobilization

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