
Vpliv brezglutenske diete na ljudi brez diagnosticirane celiakije
ID Renko, Nika (Author), ID Glavan, Gordana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Požrl, Tomaž (Reviewer)

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti znane ugotovitve o vplivu diete brez glutena na zdravje ljudi, ki nimajo diagnosticirane celiakije. Za izhodišče smo upoštevali dejstvo, da lahko v trgovinah najdemo vedno večjo pestrost in število izdelkov brez glutena. Vedno več je kupcev, ki posegajo po takšnih izdelkih, ki pa so veliko dražji. Veliko zdravih ljudi se prav tako odloči, da se bodo v svoji prehrani izogibali glutenu iz različnih vzrokov. Zanimalo nas je, ali so izdelki, ki so narejeni brez glutena res bolj zdravi od konvencionalnih živil z glutenom in kakšna je njihova hranilna sestava in če lahko z uživanjem le- teh pokrijemo vse potrebe po mikro in makrohranil v svoji prehrani. V diplomskem delu je opisana celiakija, gluten in bolezni povezane z glutenom. Predstavljen je vpliv glutena na zdrave ljudi in našteta so pomanjkanja hranil, do katerih lahko pride, ob pretežnem uživanju brezglutenskih živil. Stroga dieta vodi predvsem do pomanjkanja kalcija, magnezija, cinka, železa, vitamina C, B12 in folne kisline, zmanjša se tudi število pozitivnih bakterij v črevesju. Izdelki brez glutena imajo večjo vsebnost maščob in sladkorjev, manj pa beljakovin in vlaknin, kar je posledica modifikacije živil. Ugotovili smo, da ni znanstvenih dokazov o koristnih učinkih brezglutenske diete na zdrave posameznike, pozitiven vpliv je lahko le psihološki.

Keywords:gluten, celiakija, brezglutenska dieta, brezglutenska živila, absorpcija hranil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Renko]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100791 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4897144 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of a gluten-free diet on human without celiac disease diagnosis
The aim of the thesis was to determine the effect of gluten-free diet on the human whitout the diagnosis of celiac disease. We can find an increasing variety and a number of gluten-free products on the market. More and more people buy such products which are expensive. Many healthy people also decide to avoid gluten in their diet for a variety of reasons. We explored if gluten-free products are really healthier than product containing gluten and focused on their nutritional value and question if we can provide all the necessary inputs of micro and macro nutrients in our diet by using them. In this thesis we describe celiac disease, gluten and diseases connected with gluten. The effect of gluten on healthy people is well described and the shortage of nutrients with strict gluten-free diet (that can occur) is also listed. Gluten- free diet can lead to lack of magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamin C, B12 and folic acid and the number of positive bacteria in the gut also decreases. Gluten- free products are higher in fat and sugars content and they have less fibres and proteins, as a result of food processing. We have found that there are no scientific evidences of beneficial effects of a gluten- free diet on healthy individuals, but psychological factor can influence.

Keywords:gluten, celiac disease, gluten-free diet, gluten-free foods, nutrient absorption

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