
Informacijsko modeliranje stavb s programom DDS-CAD
ID Robič, Gregor (Author), ID Stritih, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo koncept načrtovanja objektov, znanega kot informacijsko modeliranje stavb. V tujini je ta koncept načrtovanja v projektantskih birojih že dobro uveljavljen, medtem ko je v Sloveniji še v povojih. Ker imajo v gradbeni industriji pomembno vlogo tudi inženirji strojništva, so na trgu posebni modelirni programi za načrtovanje strojnih sistemov. Sem spada tudi program DDS-CAD, ki smo ga na izbranem objektu uporabili za načrtovanje sistemov prezračevanja. Za primer smo izbrali stavbo Gimnazija Vič ter njen prizidek telovadnice, knjižnice in večnamenskih prostorov. Glede na dvodimenzionalne načrte objekta smo izdelali model in sisteme prezračevanja v treh dimenzijah. Iz programa smo pridobili podatke sistemov prezračevanja, kot so uporabljeni elementi, izračun pretoka zraka in padcev tlaka. Definirali smo sestavo ovoja ter pridobili podatke o toplotnih izgubah objekta.

Keywords:Informacijsko modeliranje stavb Načrtovanje Strojne inštalacije Prezračevanje DDS-CAD Toplotne izgube
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.04.2018
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Title:Building Information Modeling with DDS-CAD program
The thesis deals with the concept of building design known as Building Information Modeling (BIM). Abroad, this concept of modeling has already been well established in design bureaus, but it is still in its infancy in Slovenia. Since mechanical engineers also play an important role in the construction industry, there are special modeling programs for the design of building systems. This includes the DDS-CAD program, which we used on the selected building for the design of ventilation systems. For example we chose the building Gimnazija Vič, and its annex of the gym, library and multipurpose rooms. Depending on the two-dimensional building plans, we developed a model and ventilation systems in three dimensions. From the program we obtained data from ventilation systems, such as used elements, the calculation of air flow and pressure drops. We defined the structure of the walls, and obtained data for heat losses of the building.

Keywords:Building Information Modeling Modeling Building installations Ventilation DDS-CAD Heat losses

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