
Samospoštovanje, spoprijemanje s stresom in izgorelost na delovnem mestu pri zdravstvenih delavcih
ID Kračun, Sabina (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo se posvetili pojavu izgorelosti, samospoštovanju in načinu reševanja problemov med zdravstvenimi delavci. Teoretični del smo namenili predstavitvi pojma izgorelosti pri posameznikih, ki so vsakodnevno izpostavljeni obremenitvam. Če so le-te dolgotrajne, lahko posledično pride do transformacije osebnosti (spremembe vrednostnega sistema). V izgorelost vodi sovplivanje treh skupin vzrokov: družbenoekonomske okoliščine, psihološke okoliščine življenja in dela ter osebnostne značilnosti. V sodobnem času je izgorelost napačno predstavljena (kot kazalec neuspešnega preživetja) in hkrati ena od glavnih poklicnih bolezni 21. stoletja. Pomembno je preprečevanje, zgodnje prepoznavanje in pravočasno ukrepanje. Spoprijemanje s stresom pa zajema vrsto strategij, ki se kažejo kot načini reševanja problemov in lahko tudi na različne načine prispevajo k pojavu izgorelosti in soočanju z njo. V empiričnem delu smo na vzorcu 186 zdravstvenih delavcih ugotavljali dejavnike, povezane z izgorelostjo, samospoštovanjem in načini reševanja problemov. Rezultati so pokazali, da med izgorelostjo in načini reševanja problemov ni statistično pomembne povezanosti. Le-ta pa se je pokazala pri zdravstvenih delavcih, ki so doživljali nižjo osebno izpolnitev oz.več izgorelosti na tem področju, saj so hkrati poročali o višjih vrednostih iskanja socialne pomoči. Občutek nižje osebne izpolnjenosti, kar posledično pomeni več izgorelosti, je bil pri tistih zdravstvenih delavcih, ki so kot način reševanje problemov uporabljali več domišljijske gratifikacije, hkrati pa so doživljali več čustvene izčrpanosti in depersonalizacije. Raziskava je pokazala, da med samospoštovanjem in načini reševanja problemov ni statistično pomembne povezanosti. Prav tako smo preko analize podatkov ugotovili, da ni statistično pomembne povezanosti med izgorelostjo in samospoštovanjem. Le-ta pa se je pokazala pri zdravstvenih delavcih, ki so dosegali višje vrednosti osebne izpolnitve in hkrati doživljali tudi višje samospoštovanje. V izgorelost glede na način razporeditve delovnega časa ni bilo statistično pomembne razlike. Pridobljeni rezultati imajo implikacije za delo na področju zdravstva, saj kažejo pomembnost, da je zdravstveni delavec osebno izpolnjen, ko ima večje samospoštovanje. Produktivnost delavca je odvisna od zadovoljstva pri delu, kar nakazuje odgovornost delodajalca, da se zmanjša obremenitev na posameznega delavca ali pa poveča vir moči (supervizija, poznavanje lastnih mej in razmejitev odgovornosti), da pride do zdravega ravnovesja.

Keywords:samospoštovanje, izgorelost, zdravstveni delavci, reševanje problemov, osebna čvrstost, preprečevanje izgorelosti, supervizija, sindrom adrenalne izgorelosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100766 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10787075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Self-esteem, coping with stress and burnout syndrom among health care workers
In the master's thesis, we dedicated ourselves to the emergence of burnout, self-esteem and how to solve problems among health workers. The theoretical part was devoted to the presentation of the concept of burnout in individuals who are exposed to stress on a daily basis. If it is long-lasting, then a personality transformation can occur (change of the value system). There is an intertwining of three groups of factors leading to burnout: socio-economic circumstances, psychological conditions of life and work, and personality traits. In modern times, burnout is misrepresented (as an indicator of unsuccessful survival strategies) but at the same time it is one of the major occupational illnesses of the 21st century. Prevention, early identification and timely action are important. Tackling stress involves a number of strategies that are manifested as ways of solving problems which can also contribute to ways of dealing with the emergence of burnout. In the empirical part, on the sample of 186 health workers we identified factors related to burnout, self-esteem and problem solving. The results showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between burnout and problem solving methods. This has only been shown among healthcare professionals who have experienced lower personal fulfillment, as at the same time they reported higher search for social support. The feeling of lower personal fulfillment was with those health professionals who used more imaginative gratification as a way of solving problems, but at the same time experienced more emotional exhaustion in depersonalization. The research showed that the correlation between self-esteem and problem solving methods is not statistically significant. We also found, through the analysis of the data, that there is no statistically significant correlation between burnout and self-esteem. But this has only been shown by healthcare professionals who have achieved higher values of personal fulfillment, and at the same time experienced higher self-esteem. There were no statistically significant differences between the burnout and the way of working time allocation. The results obtained have implications for work in the field of health, as they show that it is important that a healthcare professional is personally fulfilled, as he has greater self-esteem. The productivity of a health worker depends on the job satisfaction, which implies the employer’s responsibility to reduce the burden on an individual worker or to increase the source of power (supervision, awareness of personal limitations and delineation of responsibilities) in order to achieve a healthy balance.

Keywords:self-esteem, burnout, health workers, problem solving, personal strength, burnout prevention, supervision, adrenal burnout syndrome

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